@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# installing NextCloud container to GCP GKE
+gcloud ini
+gcloud config set accessibility/screen_reader false
+gcloud auth list
+gcloud config list project
+gcloud config set compute/region europe-north1
+gcloud config set compute/zone europe-north1-c
+gcloud config set project spry-analyzer-xxxxxx
+## Create DB, DB user in Cloud SQL:
+DB: hub2_2dz_fi_nextcloud
+u: hub2_2dz_fi_nextcloud
+p: (StrongPass)
+## Create repostory in Artifact Registry
+Docker Hub
+Create, check
+gcloud artifacts repositories create nc-docker-local \
+ --repository-format=docker \
+ --mode=standard-repository \
+ --location=europe-north1
+gcloud artifacts repositories list
+Get URL for repository
+gcloud artifacts repositories describe nc-docker-local --location=europe-north1
+Make local tmp dir, clone repo
+mkdir delme11
+cd delme11/docker
+git clone https://github.com/nextcloud/docker.git
+Copy templates
+cp .examples/dockerfiles/full/apache/Dockerfile .
+cp .examples/dockerfiles/full/apache/supervisord.conf .
+cp .examples/docker-compose/insecure/mariadb/apache/db.env .
+Provide ecredentials
+vi db.env
+cp .examples/docker-compose/insecure/mariadb/apache/docker-compose.yml .
+vi docker-compose.yml
+Build application, tag it and push it to repository
+docker build -t europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local/nc-docker-app:v1 .
+docker images
+Give permissions. Get project iD number.
+gcloud projects list
+gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding nc-docker-local \
+ --location=europe-north1 \
+ --member=serviceAccount:853xxxxxxx34-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com \
+ --role="roles/artifactregistry.reader"
+gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding nc-docker-local \
+ --location=europe-north1 \
+ --member=serviceAccount:853xxxxxxx34-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com \
+ --role="roles/artifactregistry.writer"
+ERROR: (gcloud.artifacts.repositories.add-iam-policy-binding) PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission
+Run docker locally (will be exposed to 8080)
+docker run --rm -p 8080:80 europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local/nc-docker-app:v1
+Pushing docker image into Artifact Registry
+gcloud auth configure-docker europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev
+docker push europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local/nc-docker-app:v1
+List content of repostiory
+gcloud artifacts files list --location=europe-north1 --project=spry-analyzer-xxxxxx --repository=nc-docker-local
+Create a GKE cluster
+gcloud components install kubectl
+gcloud container clusters create --machine-type=e2-micro --zone=europe-north1-c twodz-nc-demo
+gcloud container clusters list
+Get authentication credentials for the cluster (in order to manage it)
+gcloud container clusters get-credentials twodz-nc-demo --zone=europe-north1-c
+kubectl cluster-info
+Deploy an application to the cluster
+kubectl create deployment nc-demo-app --image=europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local/nc-docker-app:v3
+kubectl get deployments
+kubectl scale deployment nc-demo-app --replicas=1
+kubectl autoscale deployment nc-demo-app --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=1
+kubectl get pods --output=wide
+kubectl exec --stdin --tty nc-demo-app-54dc479f5-crvhx -- /bin/bash
+## Publish to Internet (create load balancer)
+kubectl expose deployment nc-demo-app --name=nc-demo-app-service --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 80
+# wait for external IP be assigned from '<pending> state'
+kubectl get services --output=wide
+firefox http://[EXTERNAL-IP]:80
+## Cleaning
+kubectl delete deployment nc-demo-app
+gcloud container clusters delete twodz-nc-demo --zone=europe-north1-c
+docker rmi -f 0fa923cc879e
+Memory limit of 512 MiB exceeded with 512 MiB used. Consider increasing the memory limit, see https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/configuring/memory-limits
+Solution: increase RAM size.
+Create Volume in Cloud Storage (Bucket).
+kubectl get pods --output=wide
+kubectl exec --stdin --tty nc-demo-app-54dc479f5-crvhx -- /bin/bash
+apt update
+apt install net-tools
+netstat -ntap