@@ -5,42 +5,55 @@
2024-09-15 * review and refresh doc /A
2024-09-15 * review and refresh doc /A
this will install Nextcloud instance with Cloud SQL DB backend,
this will install Nextcloud instance with Cloud SQL DB backend,
without SSL and no storage configured /A
without SSL and no storage configured /A
+2024-09-16 * review and refresh /A
+ new organization in GCP and fresh deployment
+- Cloud SQL
+- Cloud SQL - network connect
+- [artifactregistry.googleapis.com] not enabled on project [metal-sky-xx]
+- message=Kubernetes Engine API has not been used in project metal-sky-xx
+ https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/container.googleapis.com?project=metal-sky-xx
+## Create DB, DB user in Cloud SQL:
+# takes 10-15 minutes
+public IP address: 34.88.xx.xx
+internal IP address: 172.21.xx.xx
+DB: hub2_2dz_fi_nextcloud
+u: hub2_2dz_fi_nextcloud_nc
+p: (StrongPass)
+Preparations (check where are you running commands from)
+uname -a
+gcloud init
gcloud auth list
gcloud auth list
gcloud auth login (GCP account)
gcloud auth login (GCP account)
gcloud config set account (GCP account)
gcloud config set account (GCP account)
gcloud projects list
gcloud projects list
-gcloud init
+# reauthenticate
gcloud config list project
gcloud config list project
+gcloud config set project spry-analyzer-xxxxxx
gcloud config set accessibility/screen_reader false
gcloud config set accessibility/screen_reader false
gcloud config set compute/region europe-north1
gcloud config set compute/region europe-north1
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-north1-c
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-north1-c
-gcloud config set project spry-analyzer-xxxxxx
-## Create DB, DB user in Cloud SQL:
-public IP address: 34.88.xx.xx
-internal IP address: 172.21.xx.xx
-DB: hub2_2dz_fi_nextcloud
-u: hub2_2dz_fi_nextcloud
-p: (StrongPass)
Make local tmp dir, clone repo
Make local tmp dir, clone repo
-mkdir delme22
-cd delme22
+mkdir -p delme/GCP.2024-09-16.1155
+cd delme/GCP.2024-09-16.1155
git clone https://github.com/nextcloud/docker.git
git clone https://github.com/nextcloud/docker.git
@@ -59,6 +72,7 @@ Provide credentials (earlier created for DB) and configure settings (which port
vi db.env
vi db.env
vi docker-compose.yml
vi docker-compose.yml
+Check port mapping (should be defaults)
@@ -66,8 +80,7 @@ vi docker-compose.yml
-Create repostory in Artifact Registry
-Create, check
+Create repostory in Artifact Registry, check
gcloud auth configure-docker europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev
gcloud auth configure-docker europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev
gcloud artifacts repositories create nc-docker-local \
gcloud artifacts repositories create nc-docker-local \
@@ -83,26 +96,29 @@ Get URL for repository, will need it later
gcloud artifacts repositories describe nc-docker-local --location=europe-north1
gcloud artifacts repositories describe nc-docker-local --location=europe-north1
-Registry URL: europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local
+Registry URL: europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xx/nc-docker-local
-Install docker on Debian and give local permissions
+Install docker on Debian and check/give local permissions
+cat /etc/group | grep docker
sudo groupadd docker
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker (your username)
sudo usermod -aG docker (your username)
-cat /etc/group | grep docker
# login again
# login again
+Install docker on MacOS
+brew install --cask docker
Build application, tag it and push it to repository (use repo URL extracted earlier) and check
Build application, tag it and push it to repository (use repo URL extracted earlier) and check
-cd delme22/docker
-gcloud artifacts repositories describe nc-docker-local --location=europe-north1 | grep URL
+cd delme/GCP.2024-09-16.1155
# note a dot in the end.
# note a dot in the end.
docker build -t (! repo URL here without https !)/nc-docker-app:v1 .
docker build -t (! repo URL here without https !)/nc-docker-app:v1 .
docker images
docker images
@@ -128,7 +144,8 @@ gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding nc-docker-local \
-Open necessary ports in firewalls (basically from everywhere to deployment machine on port tcp/8081):
+If deployment machine is in GCP itself, open necessary ports in firewalls (basically from everywhere to deployment machine on port tcp/8081):
gcloud compute --project=spry-analyzer-xxxxxx firewall-rules create \
gcloud compute --project=spry-analyzer-xxxxxx firewall-rules create \
untrust--gcp1mx1-tcp8081 \
untrust--gcp1mx1-tcp8081 \
@@ -145,13 +162,12 @@ gcloud compute --project=spry-analyzer-xxxxxx firewall-rules create \
Run docker locally (will be exposed to 8080)
Run docker locally (will be exposed to 8080)
-gcloud artifacts repositories list
-gcloud artifacts repositories describe nc-docker-local --location=europe-north1 | grep URL
tmux a
tmux a
# in this example we publish internal port 80 (inside of container) on port 8081 (host machine)
# in this example we publish internal port 80 (inside of container) on port 8081 (host machine)
+docker images
docker run --rm -p 8081:80 (repo URL)/nc-docker-app:v1
docker run --rm -p 8081:80 (repo URL)/nc-docker-app:v1
-C-B n
+C-B c
docker ps -a
docker ps -a
sudo ss -ntap | grep docker
sudo ss -ntap | grep docker
sudo ss -ntap | grep 8081
sudo ss -ntap | grep 8081
@@ -175,15 +191,29 @@ docker push (repo URL)/nc-docker-app:v1
List content of repostiory
List content of repostiory
-gcloud artifacts files list --location=europe-north1 --project=spry-analyzer-xxxxxx --repository=nc-docker-local
+gcloud artifacts repositories list
+gcloud artifacts files list \
+ --location=europe-north1 \
+ --project=spry-analyzer-xxxxxx \
+ --repository=nc-docker-local
Create a GKE cluster
Create a GKE cluster
+# for Debian
sudo apt-get install kubectl google-cloud-cli-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
sudo apt-get install kubectl google-cloud-cli-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
+# for Mac
+gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
gcloud components install kubectl
gcloud components install kubectl
-gcloud container clusters create --machine-type=e2-micro --zone=europe-north1-c twodz-nc-demo
+gcloud container clusters list
+# add scale and autosclae parameters to creation process
+gcloud container clusters create \
+ twodz-nc-demo \
+ --machine-type=e2-micro \
+ --zone=europe-north1-c
+# will take some time
gcloud container clusters list
gcloud container clusters list
@@ -198,23 +228,30 @@ kubectl cluster-info
Deploy an application to the cluster
Deploy an application to the cluster
-kubectl create deployment nc-demo-app --image=europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local/nc-docker-app:v1
+kubectl create deployment nc-demo-app \
+ --image=europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/spry-analyzer-xxxxxx/nc-docker-local/nc-docker-app:v1
+kubectl edit deployment nc-demo-app
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get deployments
kubectl scale deployment nc-demo-app --replicas=1
kubectl scale deployment nc-demo-app --replicas=1
-kubectl autoscale deployment nc-demo-app --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=1
+# kubectl autoscale deployment nc-demo-app --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=3
+kubectl autoscale deployment nc-demo-app --min=1 --max=1
Get into pods
Get into pods
kubectl get pods --output=wide
kubectl get pods --output=wide
-kubectl exec --stdin --tty nc-demo-app-54dc479f5-crvhx -- /bin/bash
+kubectl get pods -o=wide
+kubectl exec --stdin --tty nc-demo-app-xx-yy -- /bin/bash
## Publish to Internet (create load balancer)
## Publish to Internet (create load balancer)
-kubectl expose deployment nc-demo-app --name=nc-demo-app-service --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 80
+kubectl expose deployment \
+ nc-demo-app \
+ --name=nc-demo-app-service \
+ --type=LoadBalancer \
+ --port 80 \
+ --target-port 80
# wait for external IP be assigned from '<pending> state'
# wait for external IP be assigned from '<pending> state'
watch -n1 kubectl get services --output=wide
watch -n1 kubectl get services --output=wide
kubectl get services --output=wide
kubectl get services --output=wide
@@ -229,7 +266,7 @@ open -a firefox http://(external load balancer's IP address)
## Cleaning
## Cleaning
# takes some time...
# takes some time...
-kubectl delete deployment nc-demo-app
+kubectl delete deployment nc-demo-app
gcloud container clusters list
gcloud container clusters list
# takes some time ...
# takes some time ...
gcloud container clusters delete twodz-nc-demo --zone=europe-north1-c
gcloud container clusters delete twodz-nc-demo --zone=europe-north1-c