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Anton 1 year ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Daily routine enhancements, cheatsheets, know-hows, lifehacks
-- [Anton's bookshelf](
+- [Anton's bookshelf](

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Install Dovecot:
+apt install dovecot-core dovecot-imapd
+configure email client on ant1mbp3

+ 0 - 0

+ 78 - 85

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## CISCO ASA 5505
-ciscoasa# show version
+ciscoasa(config)# show version
 # factory defaults
 ? configure factory-default
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ ciscoasa(config)# reload
 # enter config mode
 ciscoasa> enable
 ciscoasa> configure terminal
+ciscoasa> conf t
 # set hostname, print label, attach to device
-ciscoasa(config) hostname (hostname)
+ciscoasa(config)# hostname (hostname)
-# disable call-home function
-# no callhome, please
+# disable call-home function. no callhome, please
 ciscoasa(config)# clear configure call-home
 ciscoasa(config)# no service call-home
@@ -98,13 +98,12 @@ ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
 # DHCP (Assign IP addresses to computers from the ASA device)
 # [Create a DHCP address pool to assign to clients. This address pool must be on the same subnet as the ASA interface]
 ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd address inside
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd address inside
 # if DNS client in use, get DNS info from it (from 'outside' VLAN)
 ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd auto_config outside
 # optionaly, specific DNS servers can be configured
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd dns
+ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd dns
 # Enable the DHCP server on the inside interface
 ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd enable inside
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ ciscoasa(config)# wr m
 ciscoasa(config)# relo
 # final check
-ciscoasa(config)# ping outside
+ciscoasa(config)# ping outside
 # configuring routing from VLAN 20 to VLAN 10 using NAT
@@ -140,133 +139,136 @@ ciscoasa(config)# access-group INSIDE_IN in interface inside
-# set clock
-ciscoasa# show clock
-ciscoasa# clock set 07:29:00 May 06 2019
-ciscoasa(config)# clock timezone UTC +3
-# if DST presents
-ciscoasa(config)# clock summer-time MST recurring 1 Sunday April 2:00 last Sunday October 2:00
-# set NTP
-# ntp server ip_address [ key key_id ] [ source interface_name ] [ prefer ]
-hostname(config)# ntp server key 1 prefer
-sh ntp associations
-sh ntp status
 # configure DNS
 #  Enables the ASA to send DNS requests to a DNS server to perform a name lookup for supported commands.
-# dns domain-lookup interface_name
-hostname(config)# dns domain-lookup inside
+#        command: dns domain-lookup interface_name
+ciscoasa(config)# dns domain-lookup inside
 # Specifies the DNS server group that the ASA uses for outgoing requests.
-# dns server-group DefaultDNS
-hostname(config)# dns server-group DefaultDNS
+#        command: dns server-group DefaultDNS
+ciscoasa(config)# dns server-group DefaultDNS
 # Specifies one or more DNS servers. You can enter all six IP addresses in the same command, separated by spaces,
-# name-server ip_address [ip_address2] [...] [ip_address6]
-hostname(config-dns-server-group)# name-server
+#                         command: name-server ip_address [ip_address2] [...] [ip_address6]
+ciscoasa(config-dns-server-group)# name-server
+# set clock manually
+ciscoasa(config)# show clock
+ciscoasa(config)# clock set 07:29:00 May 06 2019
+ciscoasa(config)# clock timezone UTC +3
+# if DST presents
+ciscoasa(config)# clock summer-time MST recurring 1 Sunday April 2:00 last Sunday October 2:00
+# set NTP (Network Time Protocol) to obtain time automatically
+# ntp server ip_address [ key key_id ] [ source interface_name ] [ prefer ]
+ciscoasa(config)# ntp server key 1 prefer
+ciscoasa(config)# sh ntp associations
+ciscoasa(config)# sh ntp status
+# act as NTP server
 # if needed, Enable Management Access with ASDM
 # [Location of ASDM image on the ASA]
-ASA(config)# asdm image disk0:/asdm-647.bin
+ciscoasa(config)#  asdm image disk0:/asdm-647.bin
 # [Enable the http server on the device ]
-ASA(config)# http server enable
+ciscoasa(config)#  http server enable
 # [Tell the device which IP addresses are allowed to connect with HTTP (ASDM)]
-ASA(config)# http inside
+ciscoasa(config)#  http inside
 # [Configure user/pass to login with ASDM]
-ASA(config)# username admin password adminpass
+ciscoasa(config)#  username admin password adminpass
 # Permit Traffic Between Same Security Levels
-# [Permits communication between different interfaces that have the same security level.]
+# Permits communication between different interfaces that have the same security level.
 ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
-# [Permits traffic to enter and exit the same interface.]
+# Permits traffic to enter and exit the same interface.
 ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
 # Useful Verification and Troubleshooting Commands
 # [Shows hit-counts on ACL with name “OUTSIDE-IN”. It shows how many hits each entry has on the ACL]
-ciscoasa# show access-list OUTSIDE-IN
+ciscoasa(config)# show access-list OUTSIDE-IN
 Sample output:
 access-list OUTSIDE-IN line 1 extended permit tcp eq telnet (hitcnt=15) 0xca10ca21
 # [The show conn command displays the number of active TCP and UDP connections, and provides information about connections of various types.]
-ciscoasa# show conn
+ciscoasa(config)# show conn
 # [Shows all the connections through the appliance]
-ciscoasa# show conn all
+ciscoasa(config)# show conn all
 # [Shows HTTP GET, H323, and SIP connections that are in the “up” state]
-ciscoasa# show conn state up,http_get,h323,sip
+ciscoasa(config)# show conn state up,http_get,h323,sip
 # [Shows overall connection counts]
-ciscoasa# show conn count
+ciscoasa(config)# show conn count
 54 in use, 123 most used
 # [show CPU utilization]
-ciscoasa# show cpu usage
+ciscoasa(config)# show cpu usage
+# show system performance
+ciscoasa(config)# show processes cpu-usage
+ciscoasa(config)# show processes memory
 # [List the contents of the internal flash disk of the ASA]
-ciscoasa# show disk
+ciscoasa(config)# show disk
 # [Displays operating information about hardware system components such as CPU, fans, power supply, temperature etc]
-ciscoasa# show environment
+? ciscoasa(config)# show environment
 # [Displays maximum physical memory and current free memory]
-ciscoasa# show memory
+ciscoasa(config)# show memory
 # [Displays information about Active/Standby failover status] (ERROR: Command requires failover license)
-ciscoasa# show failover
+ciscoasa(config)# show failover
 # [Shows information about Interfaces, such as line status, packets received/sent, IP address etc]
-ciscoasa# show interface
+ciscoasa(config)# show interface
 # [Displays the network states of local hosts. A local-host is created for any host that forwards traffic to, or through, the ASA.]
-ciscoasa# show local-host
+ciscoasa(config)# show local-host
 # [Displays the routing table]
-ciscoasa# show route
+ciscoasa(config)# show route
 # [Displays information about NAT sessions]
-ciscoasa# show xlate
+ciscoasa(config)# show xlate
 # show configs
-ciscoasa# show startup-config
-ciscoasa# show running-config
+ciscoasa(config)# show startup-config
+ciscoasa(config)# show running-config
 # save configs to memory
-ciscoasa# copy run start
+ciscoasa(config)# write memory
+ciscoasa(config)# wr m
+ciscoasa(config)# copy running-config startup-config
+ciscoasa(config)# copy run start
 Source filename [running-config] ?
 # [enter] to confirm
 # or (will not ask source)
-ciscoasa# write memory
 # enable logging
-ASA(config)# logging enable
-ASA(config)# logging timestamp
-ASA(config)# logging buffer-size 65536
-ASA(config)# logging buffered warnings
-ASA(config)# logging asdm errors
+ciscoasa(config)# logging enable
+ciscoasa(config)# logging timestamp
+ciscoasa(config)# logging buffer-size 65536
+ciscoasa(config)# logging buffered warnings
+ciscoasa(config)# logging asdm errors
 # send to syslog, if needed
-ASA(config)# logging host inside
-ASA(config)# logging trap errors
+ciscoasa(config)# logging host inside
+ciscoasa(config)# logging trap errors
 # permit local aaa
-hostname(config)# aaa authorization exec authentication-server
+ciscoasa(config)# aaa authorization exec authentication-server
 # add user
 username (username) nopassword
@@ -288,14 +290,14 @@ ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type remote-access
 ciscoasa(config-username)# exit
-# add ssh access
+# add SSH access
 ASA#configure terminal
-ASA(config)#domain-name local.local
+ciscoasa(config)#domain-name local.local
 ciscoasa(config)#aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
 ciscoasa(config)#crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
-     ASA(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
-ASA(config)#ssh inside
-ASA(config)#ssh OUTSIDE
+ciscoasa(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
+ciscoasa(config)#ssh inside
+ciscoasa(config)#ssh OUTSIDE
 # verify which encryptions are enabled
 # connect via ssh (some routers use SSH1)
 show ssh
@@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ show ssh
 # Image Software Management
 # [Copy image file from TFTP to Flash of ASA]
-ciscoasa# copy tftp flash
+ciscoasa(config)# copy tftp flash
 # copy file to USB
@@ -323,6 +325,7 @@ ciscoasa(config)# boot system flash:/asa911-k8.bin
 # Power over Ethernet
 # (same for 0/6 PoE, deskphone)
 ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/6
+# ?
 # to check PoE status
 show power inline
@@ -370,10 +373,7 @@ ciscoasa(config-if)# route outside 1
 ciscoasa(config)# route inside
 # same level security traffic
-hostname(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
+ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
@@ -386,7 +386,6 @@ ciscoasa(config)# object network internal_lan
 ciscoasa(config-network-object)# subnet
 ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
 # ? [Configure PAT for all (“any”) networks to access the Internet using the outside interface]
 ciscoasa(config)# object network obj_any
 ciscoasa(config-network-object)# subnet
@@ -405,12 +404,6 @@ ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ , outside) static service tc
 # Access Control Lists (ACL)
@@ -491,7 +484,7 @@ no ip access-group access-list-name {in | out}
 # let host out:
 access-list (zone) extended permit udp host (ip) host (ip) eq (port)
 access-list (zone) extended permit tcp host (ip) host (ip) eq (port)
-access-list (zone) extended permit tcp any4 host (ip) eq https
+access-list (zone) extended permit tcp any4      host (ip) eq https
 # write configuration
 wr (copy running-config startup-config)
@@ -519,9 +512,9 @@ write mem
 # set up VPN
 # [show details about IPSEC VPNs like packets encrypted/decrypted, tunnel peers etc]
-ciscoasa# show crypto ipsec sa
+ciscoasa(config)# show crypto ipsec sa
 # [show details if an IPSEC VPN tunnel is up or not. MM_ACTIVE means the tunnel is up]
-ciscoasa# show crypto isakmp sa
+ciscoasa(config)# show crypto isakmp sa

+ 0 - 413

@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-## CISCO ASA 5505
-ciscoasa# show version
-# factory defaults
-? configure factory-default
-confreg 0x2040
-# disable call-home function
-Enable Management Access with ASDM
-ASA(config)# asdm image disk0:/asdm-647.bin
-[Location of ASDM image on the ASA]
-ASA(config)# http server enable
-[Enable the http server on the device ]
-ASA(config)# http inside
-[Tell the device which IP addresses are allowed to connect with HTTP (ASDM)]
-ASA(config)#username admin password adminpass
-[Configure user/pass to login with ASDM]
-DHCP (Assign IP addresses to computers from the ASA device)
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd address inside
-[Create a DHCP address pool to assign to clients. This address pool must be on the same subnet as the ASA interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd dns
-[The DNS servers to assign to clients via DHCP]
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd enable inside
-[Enable the DHCP server on the inside interface]
-Permit Traffic Between Same Security Levels
-ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
-[Permits communication between different interfaces that have the same security level.]
-ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
-[Permits traffic to enter and exit the same interface.]
-Useful Verification and Troubleshooting Commands
-ciscoasa# show access-list OUTSIDE-IN
-[Shows hit-counts on ACL with name “OUTSIDE-IN”. It shows how many hits each entry has on the ACL]
-    Sample output:
-    access-list OUTSIDE-IN line 1 extended permit tcp eq telnet (hitcnt=15) 0xca10ca21
-ciscoasa# show conn
-[The show conn command displays the number of active TCP and UDP connections, and provides information about connections of various types.]
-ciscoasa# show conn all
-[Shows all the connections through the appliance]
-ciscoasa# show conn state up,http_get,h323,sip
-[Shows HTTP GET, H323, and SIP connections that are in the “up” state]
-ciscoasa# show conn count
-54 in use, 123 most used
-[Shows overall connection counts]
-ciscoasa# show cpu usage
-[show CPU utilization]
-ciscoasa# show disk
-[List the contents of the internal flash disk of the ASA]
-ciscoasa# show environment
-[Displays operating information about hardware system components such as CPU, fans, power supply, temperature etc]
-ciscoasa# show memory
-[Displays maximum physical memory and current free memory]
-ciscoasa# show failover
-[Displays information about Active/Standby failover status]
-ciscoasa# show interface
-[Shows information about Interfaces, such as line status, packets received/sent, IP address etc]
-ciscoasa# show local-host
-[Displays the network states of local hosts. A local-host is created for any host that forwards traffic to, or through, the ASA.]
-ciscoasa# show route
-[Displays the routing table]
-ciscoasa# show xlate
-[Displays information about NAT sessions]
-# reset password
-# on console, during boot, hit ESC, enter ROMMON mode
-confreg 0x41
-# after reboot, password is empty, set enable's password
-# (very strong password, use different admin user to process changes)
-enable password (password)
-# enter config mode
-configure terminal
-# show configs
-ciscoasa# show startup-config
-ciscoasa# show running-config
-# set hostname, print label, attach to device
-hostname (hostname)
-# set clock
-ciscoasa# show clock
-ciscoasa# clock set 07:29:00 May 06 2019
-ciscoasa(config)# clock timezone UTC +3
-# if DST presents
-ciscoasa(config)# clock summer-time MST recurring 1 Sunday April 2:00 last Sunday October 2:00
-# enable logging
-ASA(config)# logging enable
-ASA(config)# logging timestamp
-ASA(config)# logging buffer-size 65536
-ASA(config)# logging buffered warnings
-ASA(config)# logging asdm errors
-# send to syslog, if needed
-ASA(config)# logging host inside
-ASA(config)# logging trap errors
-# save configs to memory
-ciscoasa# copy run start
-Source filename [running-config] ?
-# [enter] to confirm
-# or (will not ask source)
-ciscoasa# write memory
-# add user
-username (username) nopassword
-username (username) password (password)
-# permit local aaa
-hostname(config)# aaa authorization exec authentication-server
-# list users
-# change password of user
-# delete user
-# give user privileges
-username (username) password (password) privilege 15
-username (username) attributes
-ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type admin
-ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type nas-prompt
-ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type remote-access
-ciscoasa(config-username)# exit
-# add SSH access
-ASA#configure terminal
-ASA(config)#domain-name local.local
-     ASA(config)#aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
-ciscoasa(config)#aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
-                 aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
-crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
-      ASA(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
-                  crypto key generate rsa modulus modulus_size
-ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
-ASA(config)#ssh inside
-ASA(config)#ssh OUTSIDE
-# verify which encryptions are enabled
-show ssh
-# connect via ssh (some routers use (old) SSH1)
-# download file (firmware, config) from device
-Image Software Management
-ciscoasa# copy tftp flash
-[Copy image file from TFTP to Flash of ASA]
-ciscoasa#config term
-ciscoasa(config)# boot system flash:/asa911-k8.bin
-[At next reboot, the firewall will use the software image “asa911-k8.bin” from flash]
-# upload file
-# copy file to USB
-# copy file from USB
-# upgrade firmware
-# show interfaces
-show interface ip brief
-show switch vlan
-# set up interfaces (example: outside-inside)
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Vlan 10
-ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif outside
-ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 80
-ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Vlan 20
-ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif lab5
-ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 90
-ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no nameif
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no security-level
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# switchport access 10
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-# (same for 0/6 PoE, deskphone)
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/6
-# to check PoE status
-show power inline
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/1
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no nameif
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no security-level
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# switchport access 20
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-# routing (traffic to modem of ISP)
-ciscoasa(config-if)# route outside 1
-# same level security traffic
-hostname(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
-# set up VPN
-ciscoasa# show crypto ipsec sa
-[show details about IPSEC VPNs like packets encrypted/decrypted, tunnel peers etc]
-ciscoasa# show crypto isakmp sa
-[show details if an IPSEC VPN tunnel is up or not. MM_ACTIVE means the tunnel is up]
-The absolutely necessary Interface Sub-commands that you need to configure in order for the interface to pass traffic are the following:
-    nameif “interface name”: Assigns a name to an interface
-    ip address “ip_address” “subnet_mask” : Assigns an IP address to the interface
-    security-level “number 0 to 100” : Assigns a security level to the interface
-    no shutdown : By default all interfaces are shut down, so enable them.
-Static and Default Routes
-ciscoasa(config)# route outside
-MORE READING:  Cisco ASA Firewall in Transparent Layer2 Mode
-[Configure a default route via the “outside” interface with gateway IP of ]
-ciscoasa(config)# route inside
-[Configure a static route via the “inside” interface. To reach network go via gateway IP ]
-Network Address Translation (NAT)
-ciscoasa(config)# object network internal_lan
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# subnet
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
-[Configure PAT for internal LAN ( to access the Internet using the outside interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# object network obj_any
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# subnet
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat  (any,outside) dynamic interface
-[Configure PAT for all (“any”) networks to access the Internet using the outside interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# object network web_server_static
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# host
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ , outside) static
-[Configure static NAT. The private IP in DMZ will be mapped statically to public IP in outside zone]
-ciscoasa(config)# object network web_server_static
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# host
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ , outside) static service tcp 80 80
-[Configure static Port NAT. The private IP in DMZ will be mapped statically to public IP in outside zone only for port 80]
-Access Control Lists (ACL)
-# show
-show run access-list (host)
-show access-list (host)
-[Apply the ACL above at the “outside” interface for traffic coming “in” the interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-group OUTSIDE_IN in interface outside
-ciscoasa(config)# access-group INSIDE_IN in interface inside
-[Create an ACL to allow TCP access from “any” source IP to host port 80]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list OUTSIDE_IN extended permit tcp any host eq 80
-[Create an ACL to deny all traffic from host to any destination and allow everything else. This ACL is then applied at the “inside” interface for traffic coming “in” the interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list INSIDE_IN extended deny ip host any
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list INSIDE_IN extended permit ip any any
-Object Groups
-ciscoasa(config)# object-group network WEB_SRV
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object host
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object host
-[Create a network group having two hosts ( and This group can be used in other configuration commands such as ACLs]
-ciscoasa(config)# object-group network DMZ_SUBNETS
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object
-[Create a network group having two subnets ( and This group can be used in other configuration commands such as ACLs]
-ciscoasa(config)# object-group service DMZ_SERVICES tcp
-ciscoasa(config-service)# port-object eq http
-ciscoasa(config-service)# port-object eq https
-ciscoasa(config-service)# port-object range 21 23
-[Create a service group having several ports. This group can be used in other configuration commands such as ACLs]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended  permit tcp any object-group DMZ_SUBNETS object-group DMZ_SERVICES
-[Example of using object groups in ACLs]
-# create group
-(config)# object-group network (hostgroup)
-# add object into group
-(config-network-object-group)# network-object object (newhost)
-# show objects
-show object-group network
-# edit objects
-object network (newhost)
-host (ip)
-# enable SSH
-pass again
-configure terminal
-show running-config | include (ip-from)
-show running-config | include (ip-to)
-show access-list outside_in
-show run | include (ip)
-show (ip)
-# interfaces
-show interfaces status
-# edit in editor, paste
-configure terminal
-# access-groups
-show configuration | include access-group
-ip access-group access-list-name {in | out}
-no ip access-group access-list-name {in | out}
-# let host out:
-access-list (zone) extended permit udp host (ip) host (ip) eq (port)
-access-list (zone) extended permit tcp host (ip) host (ip) eq (port)
-access-list (zone) extended permit tcp any4 host (ip) eq https
-# write configuration
-wr (copy running-config startup-config)
-write mem
-# capturing
-capture capin interface outside match tcp host (host) host (host) eq (port)
-show capture
-show capture capin
-# general commands
-show run | include route
-# enable unsupported tranceiver
-service unsupported-transceiver
-no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid
-# trunk port
-show interfaces trunk
-(config-if)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/23
-(config-if)#description Trunk port to (host)
-(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
-(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
-(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094
-no shutdown
-# access port
-(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/23
-(config-if)#description (host)
-(config-if)#switchport mode access
-(config-if)#switchport access vlan 128
-(config-if)#no shutdown
-# save (commit)
-write mem
-### sources:

+ 0 - 484

@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-## CISCO ASA 5505
-ciscoasa# show version
-# factory defaults
-? configure factory-default
-confreg 0x2040
-# disable call-home function
-Enable Management Access with ASDM
-ASA(config)# asdm image disk0:/asdm-647.bin
-[Location of ASDM image on the ASA]
-ASA(config)# http server enable
-[Enable the http server on the device ]
-ASA(config)# http inside
-[Tell the device which IP addresses are allowed to connect with HTTP (ASDM)]
-ASA(config)#username admin password adminpass
-[Configure user/pass to login with ASDM]
-DHCP (Assign IP addresses to computers from the ASA device)
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd address inside
-[Create a DHCP address pool to assign to clients. This address pool must be on the same subnet as the ASA interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd dns
-[The DNS servers to assign to clients via DHCP]
-ciscoasa(config)# dhcpd enable inside
-[Enable the DHCP server on the inside interface]
-Permit Traffic Between Same Security Levels
-ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
-[Permits communication between different interfaces that have the same security level.]
-ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
-[Permits traffic to enter and exit the same interface.]
-Useful Verification and Troubleshooting Commands
-ciscoasa# show access-list OUTSIDE-IN
-[Shows hit-counts on ACL with name “OUTSIDE-IN”. It shows how many hits each entry has on the ACL]
-    Sample output:
-    access-list OUTSIDE-IN line 1 extended permit tcp eq telnet (hitcnt=15) 0xca10ca21
-ciscoasa# show conn
-[The show conn command displays the number of active TCP and UDP connections, and provides information about connections of various types.]
-ciscoasa# show conn all
-[Shows all the connections through the appliance]
-ciscoasa# show conn state up,http_get,h323,sip
-[Shows HTTP GET, H323, and SIP connections that are in the “up” state]
-ciscoasa# show conn count
-54 in use, 123 most used
-[Shows overall connection counts]
-ciscoasa# show cpu usage
-[show CPU utilization]
-ciscoasa# show disk
-[List the contents of the internal flash disk of the ASA]
-ciscoasa# show environment
-[Displays operating information about hardware system components such as CPU, fans, power supply, temperature etc]
-ciscoasa# show memory
-[Displays maximum physical memory and current free memory]
-ciscoasa# show failover
-[Displays information about Active/Standby failover status]
-ciscoasa# show interface
-[Shows information about Interfaces, such as line status, packets received/sent, IP address etc]
-ciscoasa# show local-host
-[Displays the network states of local hosts. A local-host is created for any host that forwards traffic to, or through, the ASA.]
-ciscoasa# show route
-[Displays the routing table]
-ciscoasa# show xlate
-[Displays information about NAT sessions]
-# reset password
-# on console, during boot, hit ESC, enter ROMMON mode
-confreg 0x41
-# after reboot, password is empty, set enable's password
-# (very strong password, use different admin user to process changes)
-enable password (password)
-# enter config mode
-configure terminal
-# show configs
-ciscoasa# show startup-config
-ciscoasa# show running-config
-# set hostname, print label, attach to device
-hostname (hostname)
-# set clock
-ciscoasa# show clock
-ciscoasa# clock set 07:29:00 May 06 2019
-ciscoasa(config)# clock timezone UTC +3
-# if DST presents
-ciscoasa(config)# clock summer-time MST recurring 1 Sunday April 2:00 last Sunday October 2:00
-# enable logging
-ASA(config)# logging enable
-ASA(config)# logging timestamp
-ASA(config)# logging buffer-size 65536
-ASA(config)# logging buffered warnings
-ASA(config)# logging asdm errors
-# send to syslog, if needed
-ASA(config)# logging host inside
-ASA(config)# logging trap errors
-# save configs to memory
-ciscoasa# copy run start
-Source filename [running-config] ?
-# [enter] to confirm
-# or (will not ask source)
-ciscoasa# write memory
-# add user and change password of user
-username (username) nopassword
-username (username) password (password)
-# permit local aaa
-hostname(config)# aaa authorization exec authentication-server
-# list users
-show running-config username
-# delete user
-# give user privileges
-username (username) password (password) privilege 15
-username (username) attributes
-ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type admin
-ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type nas-prompt
-ciscoasa(config-username)# service-type remote-access
-ciscoasa(config-username)# exit
-# add ssh access
-ASA#configure terminal
-ASA(config)#domain-name local.local
-     ASA(config)#aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
-ciscoasa(config)#aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
-                 aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
-crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
-      ASA(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
-                  crypto key generate rsa modulus modulus_size
-ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
-ASA(config)#ssh inside
-ASA(config)#ssh OUTSIDE
-# verify which encryptions are enabled
-show ssh
-# connect via ssh (some routers use SSH1)
-# download file (firmware, config) from device
-Image Software Management
-ciscoasa# copy tftp flash
-[Copy image file from TFTP to Flash of ASA]
-ciscoasa#config term
-ciscoasa(config)# boot system flash:/asa911-k8.bin
-[At next reboot, the firewall will use the software image “asa911-k8.bin” from flash]
-# upload file
-# copy file to USB
-# copy file from USB
-# upgrade firmware
-# show interfaces
-show interface ip brief
-show switch vlan
-# set up interfaces (example: outside-inside)
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Vlan 10
-ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif outside
-ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 80
-ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Vlan 20
-ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif lab5
-ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 90
-ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no nameif
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no security-level
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# switchport access 10
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-# (same for 0/6 PoE, deskphone)
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/6
-# to check PoE status
-show power inline
-ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/1
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no nameif
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no security-level
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no ip address
-ciscoasa(config-if)# switchport access 20
-ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
-ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
-# routing (traffic to modem of ISP)
-ciscoasa(config-if)# route outside 1
-# same level security traffic
-hostname(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
-# set up VPN
-ciscoasa# show crypto ipsec sa
-[show details about IPSEC VPNs like packets encrypted/decrypted, tunnel peers etc]
-ciscoasa# show crypto isakmp sa
-[show details if an IPSEC VPN tunnel is up or not. MM_ACTIVE means the tunnel is up]
-The absolutely necessary Interface Sub-commands that you need to configure in order for the interface to pass traffic are the following:
-    nameif “interface name”: Assigns a name to an interface
-    ip address “ip_address” “subnet_mask” : Assigns an IP address to the interface
-    security-level “number 0 to 100” : Assigns a security level to the interface
-    no shutdown : By default all interfaces are shut down, so enable them.
-Static and Default Routes
-ciscoasa(config)# route outside
-MORE READING:  Cisco ASA Firewall in Transparent Layer2 Mode
-[Configure a default route via the “outside” interface with gateway IP of ]
-ciscoasa(config)# route inside
-[Configure a static route via the “inside” interface. To reach network go via gateway IP ]
-Network Address Translation (NAT)
-ciscoasa(config)# object network internal_lan
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# subnet
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
-[Configure PAT for internal LAN ( to access the Internet using the outside interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# object network obj_any
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# subnet
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat  (any,outside) dynamic interface
-[Configure PAT for all (“any”) networks to access the Internet using the outside interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# object network web_server_static
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# host
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ , outside) static
-[Configure static NAT. The private IP in DMZ will be mapped statically to public IP in outside zone]
-ciscoasa(config)# object network web_server_static
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# host
-ciscoasa(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ , outside) static service tcp 80 80
-[Configure static Port NAT. The private IP in DMZ will be mapped statically to public IP in outside zone only for port 80]
-Access Control Lists (ACL)
-# show
-show run access-list (host)
-show access-list (host)
-[Apply the ACL above at the “outside” interface for traffic coming “in” the interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-group OUTSIDE_IN in interface outside
-ciscoasa(config)# access-group INSIDE_IN in interface inside
-[Create an ACL to allow TCP access from “any” source IP to host port 80]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list OUTSIDE_IN extended permit tcp any host eq 80
-[Create an ACL to deny all traffic from host to any destination and allow everything else. This ACL is then applied at the “inside” interface for traffic coming “in” the interface]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list INSIDE_IN extended deny ip host any
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list INSIDE_IN extended permit ip any any
-Object Groups
-ciscoasa(config)# object-group network WEB_SRV
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object host
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object host
-[Create a network group having two hosts ( and This group can be used in other configuration commands such as ACLs]
-ciscoasa(config)# object-group network DMZ_SUBNETS
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object
-ciscoasa(config-network)# network-object
-[Create a network group having two subnets ( and This group can be used in other configuration commands such as ACLs]
-ciscoasa(config)# object-group service DMZ_SERVICES tcp
-ciscoasa(config-service)# port-object eq http
-ciscoasa(config-service)# port-object eq https
-ciscoasa(config-service)# port-object range 21 23
-[Create a service group having several ports. This group can be used in other configuration commands such as ACLs]
-ciscoasa(config)# access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended  permit tcp any object-group DMZ_SUBNETS object-group DMZ_SERVICES
-[Example of using object groups in ACLs]
-# create group
-(config)# object-group network (hostgroup)
-# add object into group
-(config-network-object-group)# network-object object (newhost)
-# show objects
-show object-group network
-# edit objects
-object network (newhost)
-host (ip)
-# enable SSH
-pass again
-configure terminal
-show running-config | include (ip-from)
-show running-config | include (ip-to)
-show access-list outside_in
-show run | include (ip)
-show (ip)
-# interfaces
-show interfaces status
-# edit in editor, paste
-configure terminal
-# access-groups
-show configuration | include access-group
-ip access-group access-list-name {in | out}
-no ip access-group access-list-name {in | out}
-# let host out:
-access-list (zone) extended permit udp host (ip) host (ip) eq (port)
-access-list (zone) extended permit tcp host (ip) host (ip) eq (port)
-access-list (zone) extended permit tcp any4 host (ip) eq https
-# write configuration
-wr (copy running-config startup-config)
-write mem
-# capturing
-capture capin interface outside match tcp host (host) host (host) eq (port)
-show capture
-show capture capin
-# general commands
-show run | include route
-# enable unsupported tranceiver
-service unsupported-transceiver
-no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid
-# trunk port
-show interfaces trunk
-(config-if)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/23
-(config-if)#description Trunk port to (host)
-(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
-(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
-(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094
-no shutdown
-# access port
-(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/23
-(config-if)#description (host)
-(config-if)#switchport mode access
-(config-if)#switchport access vlan 128
-(config-if)#no shutdown
-# save (commit)
-write mem
-### sources: