show user-account show running-config | include username
enter config mode
confugure terminal
create users
username (user) privilege 15 password (encrypted-password)
username (user) privilege 15 password 0 (plain-password)
username (user) role network-admin
username (user) password (pass)
remove user
#no username (user)
remember to save settings
#copy running-config startup-config
show int desc show int stats show int status show vlanico ne
conf term
default interface (if) interface (if) shutdown exit
int gi0/7 sw access vlan 777 no shut desc (description) exit C+z
interface ethernet 4/17, ethernet 4/19, ethernet 4/21, ethernet 4/23
write mem copy running-config startup-config copy run start
How to recover/set/change enable password ?
Unplug the power cable to the switch.
Step 4: Press and hold the MODE button on the front of the switch and plug the power cable back into the switch at the same. After the power cable has been plugged in, wait a couple of seconds and then release the MODE button.
Step 5: Your display on your HyperTerminal should look like this… switch:
Step 6: Enter these commands into the switch
switch: flash_init
# switch: load_helper
# switch: dir flash:
Directory of flash:
13 drwx 192 Mar 01 1993 22:30:48 c2960-mz-124-0.0.53
11 -rwx 5825 Mar 01 1993 22:31:59 config.text
18 -rwx 720 Mar 01 1993 02:21:30 vlan.da
switch: rename flash:config.text flash:config.text.old
switch: boot
Step 7: Once the switch reboots, answer NO to “Would you like to enter system configuration dialog? [Yes/No]:
Step 8: Get into the privilege prompt.
# Switch#rename flash:config.text.old flash:config.text
Switch#copy flash:config.text.original system:running-config
# Switch#copy flash:config.text system:running-config
Source filename [config.text]?
Destination filename [running-config]?
Press Enter to copy
Step 9: Get into global configuration
Switch#conf t
Switch (config)#enable secret password
Enter the password you would like
Step 10: Return to Privilege mode and save your config
Switch (config)#exit
Switch#copy run start
Step 11: reload switch