Connecting Behringer X-Touch Mini to Adobe Lightroom using midi2lr plugin
for Windows
- download MIDI2LR-XXXX-windows-installer.exe installer from MIDI2LR repository
- install with defaults options (to default directory, where no admin priveleges required)
- Installer should add plugin automatically, but if it is not, here is how you do it: in Lightroom, from Menu: File, Plug-in Manager, Add and pointing to the MIDI2LR.lrplugin folder
default installation path is C:\Users(user)\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Modules\MIDI2LR.lrplugin
- To lanuch MIDI2LR application manually: File, Plug-in Extras, MIDI2LR, Start Application
Initial configuration:
In opened MIDI2LR window:
- Change locations for you profile, where they will stored: Settings, [Choose Profile Folder], for example: C:\Users(user)\dox-pvt\tech\midi\midi2lr
for MacOS
Initial configuration:
Import configuration:
- [Load], point to profile (*.xml file) to load