# # initial Raspberry Pi configuration # # 2020 06 12 + init of firstboot@rpi.md /A # 2022 03 19 + published on https://github.com/InstallAndUse/RPi /A # # set pi pass passwd # set root pass sudo su passwd # add yourself (for ssh keys, security. etc...) useradd (you) passwd (you) usermod -aG sudo (you) mkdir /home/(you) chown -R (you):(you) /home/(you) # update, reboot and run update one more time ``` apt update && apt upgrade -y shutdown -r now apt update && apt upgrade -y ``` # initial config raspi-config 2. N1, set hostname 4. localisation, I2, set timezone 5. interfacing, P2, enable ssh # reboot Books: - [Anton's bookshelf](https://og2k.com/books/)