#!/bin/bash # # history and doc, refer to read_ds18x20.py /A # # 2022 03 18 + published on https://github.com/InstallAndUse/RPi /A host="(host)" user="(user)" export PGPASSWORD="(dbpass)"; db="(dbname)" table="(dbtable)" while read line # read values for each sensor do values=(${line//;/ }) # split by ";" and build array if [ -n "$values" ]; then # if array is not empty (empty line) write to DB echo "INSERT INTO ${table} (timestamp, sensor, value) VALUES (NOW(),'${values[0]}','${values[1]}')" | psql -h ${host} -U ${user} -d ${db} fi done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}" # read stdin from python script (read sensors)