sudo su
apt install curl
curl -L https://install.pivpn.io > installer.sh
chmod +x ./installer.sh
WireGuard and OpenVPN (differnce in protocol and listening port), clients' configuration is almost the same for both. Check which will work for you. Depends on your geographical location and locations you intended to connect from.
Good idea, if system will stay long time alone. Not so good idea, because of lack of control (inspection), which packages will be updated
login into local user, which is holding pivpn configuration files
list and add VPN clients (users) "father-mother-sister-brother"
pivpn list
pivpn add
Name: (client)
How many days should the certificate last? [1080]
Password: (pass)
now new user should be in the list and opvn config generated and can be found
pivpn list
ls -la /home/(user)/ovpns/
cat /home/(user)/ovpns/(client).ovpn
You can copy config file in any desired way (scp probably is the best). Or cat it and copy-paste. Or generate QR-code for WireGuard Android's application (is not available for OpenConnect)
pivpn -qr
netstat -ntap
netstat -p | grep openvpn
systemctl status openvpn
iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers
pivpn debug
mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ /usr/sbin/openvpn --genkey secret /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ta.key ? /usr/sbin/openvpn --genkey secret /etc/openvpn/ta.key ? /usr/sbin/openvpn --genkey secret /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ta.key