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+ Icinga@Ubuntu22 /A

Anton TETERIN 8 months ago


+ 950 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+2023-10-17  * initial run
+Create Debian
+! Below assuming all commands are executed in the priveledged mode
+Sync time for initially booted system and update/upgrade it.
+hwclock --hctosys
+apt update && apt upgrade
+shutdown -r now
+Install utilities (optional)
+apt install tmux net-tools traceroute tcpdump
+Create local user,
+Install and secure MariaDB instance (write down root password)
+apt install mariadb-server
+netstat -ntap | grep 3306
+  tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      2123/mariadbd
+Add Icinga repository:
+apt update
+apt -y install apt-transport-https wget gnupg
+wget -O - | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg
+DIST=$(awk -F"[)(]+" '/VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release); \
+ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg] icinga-${DIST} main" > \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
+ echo "deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg] icinga-${DIST} main" >> \
+ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
+ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
+    total 12
+    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 25 14:13 .
+    drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Oct 25 14:04 ..
+    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  242 Oct 25 14:13 bullseye-icinga.list
+apt update
+Installing Icinga, IcingaWeb and IcingaWeb Director
+on time when v2.12 has been introduced, many chages occuried
+apt search icingaweb2-module-monitoring
+    Sorting... Done
+    Full Text Search... Done
+    icingaweb2-module-monitoring/icinga-bullseye 2.11.4-5+debian11 all
+      Empty transition package
+Installing without 'icingaweb2-module-monitoring'
+and it's dependencies:
+    icingaweb2-module-businessprocess \
+    icingaweb2-module-director \
+apt install \
+    icinga2 \
+    icinga2-ido-mysql \
+    icingacli \
+    icingaweb2-common \
+    icingaweb2-module-audit \
+    icingaweb2-module-doc \
+    icingaweb2-module-ipl \
+    icingaweb2-module-pdfexport \
+    icingaweb2-module-reactbundle \
+    icingaweb2-module-statusmap \
+    icingaweb2 \
+    icinga-php-common \
+    icinga-php-incubator \
+    icinga-php-library \
+    icinga-php-thirdparty \
+    icinga-director-daemon \
+    icinga-director-php \
+    icinga-director-web \
+    icinga-director \
+    php-imagick \
+    monitoring-plugins-basic \
+    monitoring-plugins-btrfs \
+    monitoring-plugins-common \
+    monitoring-plugins-contrib \
+    monitoring-plugins-standard \
+    monitoring-plugins
+Questions during install
+┌──────────────────────────────┤ Configuring icinga2-ido-mysql ├───────────────────────────────┐
+│ Please specify whether Icinga 2 should use MySQL.                                            │
+│ You may later disable the feature by using the "icinga2 feature disable ido-mysql" command.  │
+│ Enable Icinga 2's ido-mysql feature?
+┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Configuring icinga2-ido-mysql ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+│                                                                                                                                         │
+│ The icinga2-ido-mysql package must have a database installed and configured before it can be used. This can be optionally handled with  │
+│ dbconfig-common.
+│ If you are an advanced database administrator and know that you want to perform this configuration manually, or if your database has    │
+│ already been installed and configured, you should refuse this option. Details on what needs to be done should most likely be provided   │
+│ in /usr/share/doc/icinga2-ido-mysql.
+│ Otherwise, you should probably choose this option.
+│ Configure database for icinga2-ido-mysql with dbconfig-common?
+┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Configuring icinga2-ido-mysql ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+│ Please provide a password for icinga2-ido-mysql to register with the database server. If left blank, a random password will be   │
+│ generated.
+│ MySQL application password for icinga2-ido-mysql:
+(generate, write down into password manager and provide pass)
+Checking services are enabled and running:
+systemctl status mariadb
+systemctl status icinga2
+systemctl status apache2
+Check, that webserver is listening:
+ss -ntap | grep apache
+Check, that webserver is accessible (open from local machine browser) and inspect connectivity until you see the desired traffic.
+tcpdump port 80
+tail -f /var/log/apache2/*.log
+tail -f /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log
+Create icinga2 setup token
+icingacli setup token create
+The newly generated setup token is: 5aabXXXXXXXX9f0fa
+systemctl restart apache2
+Create IcingaWeb2 database (not Icinga)
+mysql -u root -p
+    Enter password:
+    CREATE DATABASE icingaweb2;
+    GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '(stong-password)';
+After token is successfully generated, open URL and provide token ID.
+Check all modules, [Next]
+    Please choose how you want to authenticate when accessing Icinga Web 2. Configuring backend specific details follows in a later step.
+    DB: icingaweb2
+    Username: icingaweb2
+    Pass: created above
+    Character set: utf8mb4
+Provide IcingaWeb2 DB credentials.
+[Next], [Validate configuration], [Next]
+Authentication Backend
+    As you've chosen to use a database for authentication all you need to do now is defining a name for your first authentication backend.
+Backend Name : "icingaweb2"
+    Now it's time to configure your first administrative account or group for Icinga Web 2.
+Username *
+Password *
+Application Configuration
+    Now please adjust all application and logging related configuration options to fit your needs.
+Show Stacktraces
+Set whether to show an exception's stacktrace by default. This can also be set in a user's preferences with the appropriate permission.
+Show Application State Messages
+Set whether to show application state messages. This can also be set in a user's preferences.
+Enable strict content security policy
+Set whether to to use strict content security policy (CSP). This setting helps to protect from cross-site scripting (XSS).
+This page will be automatically updated upon change of the value
+Logging Type *
+The type of logging to utilize.
+Logging Level *
+The maximum logging level to emit.
+Application Prefix *
+The name of the application by which to prefix log messages. The application prefix must not contain whitespace.
+Facility *
+You've configured Icinga Web 2 successfully. You can review the changes supposed to be made before setting it up. Make sure that everything is correct (Feel free to navigate back to make any corrections!) so that you can start using Icinga Web 2 right after it has successfully been set up.
+ Welcome to the configuration of the monitoring module for Icinga Web 2!
+This is the core module for Icinga Web 2. It offers various status and reporting views with powerful filter capabilities that allow you to keep track of the most important events in your monitoring environment.
+Configure Monitoring IDO Resource (created during apt install icinga2-ido-mysql):
+Resource Name: icinga_ido
+DB Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+DB Name: icinga2
+Username: icinga2
+Password: (provided)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[Validate Configuration]
+There is currently no icinga instance writing to the IDO. Make sure that a icinga instance is configured and able to write to the IDO.
+Validation Log
+Connection to icinga2 as icinga2 on localhost: successful
+have_ssl: DISABLED
+protocol_version: 10
+version: 10.5.21-MariaDB-0+deb11u1
+version_compile_os: debian-linux-gnu
+icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql
+systemctl restart icinga2
+The configuration has been successfully validated.
+Create API user in order for IcingaWeb2 to command or control Icinga2 (process)
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/api.conf
+# EDIT #
+# add another user
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+  password = "newpass"
+  // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+  permissions = [ "*" ]
+# EDIT #
+# configure icinga
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+Go back to configuration and provide created credentials:
+Command Transport
+    Please define below how you want to send commands to your monitoring instance.
+Transport Name *
+The name of this command transport that is used to differentiate it from others
+This page will be automatically updated upon change of the value
+Transport Type *
+Host :
+Port : 5665
+API Username : icingaweb2
+API Password : (supper-pazz)
+[Validate configuration]
+The configuration has been successfully validated.
+Monitoring Security
+To protect your monitoring environment against prying eyes please fill out the settings below.
+Protected Custom Variables
+You've configured the monitoring module successfully. You can review the changes supposed to be made before setting it up. Make sure that everything is correct (Feel free to navigate back to make any corrections!) so that you can start using the monitoring module right after it has successfully been set up.
+Congratulations! Icinga Web 2 has been successfully set up.
+[Login to Icinga Web 2]
+# check that Icinga2 is now listening for API queries
+ss -ntap | grep 5665
+LISTEN    0      4096                    *:5665                   *:*     users:(("icinga2",pid=21383,fd=18))
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8', utf8mb4 will not work (for time of writing, 2021 01 27 /A)):
+GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '(director-pass)';
+Icingaweb2, Configuration (Gear icon in lower side of menu), Application, Resources
+[Create New Resource]
+Resource Type: SQL Database
+Resource Name: director
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: director
+Username: director
+Password: (director-pass)
+Character set: utf8mb4
+[validate configuration]
+The configuration has been successfully validated.
+Validation Log
+Connection to director as director on localhost: successful
+have_ssl: DISABLED
+protocol_version: 10
+version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+version_compile_os: Linux
+[save changes]
+# configure icinga director
+icingaweb2, Configuration, Modules, director, Configuration
+DB resource: director
+[create database schema]
+Launch Kickstart Wizard in order to import pre-defined commands.
+End-point: (hostname).localdomain (on Debian) or whatever was specified
+Your database looks good, you are ready to start working with the Icinga Director
+Now, when executables are installed, let's run "Kickstart Wizard"
+# 2021 01 27  * updated
+at the moment of writing, icinga packages were not available in RHN for RH Satellites
+subscribed to Icinga_RHEL8_Icinga_RHEL8
+# ICINGA (master installation)
+# enable REPOS, subscribe if needed
+yum repolist
+yum update
+yum install icinga2 icinga2-selinux
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl restart icinga2 && systemctl status icinga2
+icinga2 feature list
+yum install icingaweb2 icingaweb2-selinux icingacli
+# if you wish to use EPEL's plugins, install them with
+yum install nagios-plugins-all
+# otherwise install them manually
+# yum install mariadb-server mariadb
+# use better module installation instead
+yum module install mariadb
+systemctl enable mariadb && systemctl start mariadb
+# secure mariadb installation (set root pass, disable its remote access)
+# install icinga--mariadb connector
+yum install icinga2-ido-mysql
+# create database, user and tables
+mysql -u root -p
+  # you may create user and grand using same command
+  # CREATE USER icinga@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+  quit
+mysql -u root -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
+# determine credentials
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf
+  uncomment and update credentials
+ln -s /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# better to install using module command and check that it is running
+# yum install httpd
+yum module install httpd
+systemctl enable httpd && systemctl start httpd
+netstat -ntap | grep -e 80 -e 443
+# configure icinga
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# set new pass for root API user
+vi /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf
+# add another user
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+  password = "newpass"
+  // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+  permissions = [ "*" ]
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# check which php version you have with
+php -v
+# you might need to install php7 version:
+# yum install rh-php71 rh-php71-php-mysqlnd
+# systemctl enable rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl start rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# check for FilesMatch, if using php-fpm
+vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/icingaweb2.conf
+# restart php, if changed needed to apply
+# systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl status rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# generate new token, copy-paste into notepad, you will need it
+icingacli setup token create
+  The newly generated setup token is: 51223xxxxxxx0f12
+# create table in DB for icingaweb2
+mysql -u root -p
+CREATE DATABASE icingaweb2;
+GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '(newpass)';
+# does not exist in repo, comes from EPEL, better is "GraphicsMagick.x86_64 : An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality"
+# yum install ImageMagick
+# causes dependecies error
+# yum install ImageMagick-devel
+# source /opt/rh/rh-php71/enable
+# /opt/rh/rh-php71/root/bin/pecl install imagick
+# server firewall
+# open firewall, if needed tcp/(80,443)
+vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+### ## #
+# Icinga welcomes.
+### ## #
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s --dport 5665 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Icinga listens for agents."
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Icinga listens for http(s) connections."
+# reload firewall and check
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers | grep Icinga
+# github? no github, please.
+# for github
+open firewall rules here
+# at this point Icingaweb2 should be accessible via browser
+# proceed with setup instractions, provided by wizard
+# provide token generate earlier or, you forgot it already, recall it with:
+icingacli setup token show
+# check that icinga is happy with internal checks
+# I got:
+  The PHP module Imagick is missing.
+# but will work on it in the future.
+# plan, how authentication will happen on your instance and apply chosen way
+# local authentication = "database" scenario earlier created)
+Authentication Type: Database
+Resource Name: icingaweb2
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: icingaweb2
+Username: icingaweb2
+Passowrd: (pass)
+# if you know what are you doing, specify yours, other very advised to use:
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[Validate configuration]
+  "The configuration has been successfully validated."
+Authentication Backend: Backend Name: icingaweb2
+# create admin user in icingaweb2
+Username: admin
+Password: (newpass)
+Repeat password: (repeat newpass)
+# application configuration left untoched
+Show Stacktraces [x]
+Show Application State Messages [x]
+User Preference Storage Type: database
+logging type: syslog
+logging level: error
+application prefix: icingaweb2
+facility: user
+Monitoring Backend
+Backend Name: icinga
+Backend Type: IDO
+# now it is time to tell to IcingaWeb2 where Icinga2 stores its data
+Monitoring IDO Resource
+Resource Name: icinga_ido
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database Name: icinga
+Username: icinga
+Password: (pass)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to icinga as icinga on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+# how do we going to tell icinga instance what to do
+Command Transport
+Transport Name: icinga2
+Transport Type: Icinga 2 API
+Host: localhost
+Port: 5665
+# created earlier
+API Username: icingaweb2
+API Password: (pass)
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+Protected Custom Variables: *pw*,*pass*,community
+    Congratulations! Icinga Web 2 has been successfully set up.
+[Login to Icinga Web 2]
+# !! ready !! login with your admin account
+# installing director (adding hosts/services)
+# assuming at this point that firewall is opened towards github servers
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers | grep git
+5        0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              multiport dports 80,443 tcp match-set github dst
+# easy way:
+yum install git
+# installing required module dependencies first
+# check for latest release number and adjust MODULE_VERSION variable below:
+# prepare download directory to avoid mess and keep places clean and tidy
+mkdir -p downloads/modules4icinga
+cd downloads/modules4icinga/
+# check that icingaweb2 modules directory exists and is not empty:
+ls -la /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+# create installation script
+# paste following code below:
+# 2020 01 27  + init: this script written to install/update modules for icinga /A
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+ls -la ${MODULES_PATH}
+icingacli module list
+echo "Done."
+# make script executable and run it (you will need it in the future to update modules)
+chmod +x ./
+total 4
+drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root  130 Jan 27 15:17 .
+drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root   80 Jan 27 10:58 ..
+drwxr-xr-x. 11 root root 4096 Jan 27 15:17 director
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  124 Jan 27 10:58 doc
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  232 Jan 27 15:17 incubator
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  205 Jan 27 15:17 ipl
+drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root  136 Jan 27 10:58 monitoring
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root  169 Jan 27 15:17 reactbundle
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   71 Jan 27 10:58 setup
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   70 Jan 27 10:58 translation
+director       1.8.0     enabled   Director - Config tool for Icinga 2
+doc            2.8.2     enabled   Documentation module
+incubator      0.6.0     enabled   Incubator provides bleeding-edge libraries
+ipl            v0.5.0    enabled   The Icinga PHP library
+monitoring     2.8.2     enabled   Icinga monitoring module
+reactbundle    0.8.0     enabled   ReactPHP-based 3rd party libraries
+# installing module dependencies (repeat until Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!)
+yum install php-mysqlnd php-curl php-iconv php-pcntl php-process php-sockets php-mbstring php-json
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8', utf8mb4 will not work (for time of writing, 2021 01 27 /A)):
+GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+Icingaweb2, Configuration, Application, Resources, [Create New Resource]
+Resource Type: SQL Database
+Resource Name: director
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: director
+Username: director
+Password: director
+Character set: utf8
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to director as director on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+[save changes]
+# configure icinga director
+icingaweb2, Configuration, Modules, director, Configuration
+DB resource: director_db
+[create database schema]
+# kickstart wizard (if fresh install you do not need to import anything)
+endpoint: (hostname), if not sure, use FQDN here
+hostname: (hostname), if not sure, use FQDN here
+Port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+Password: (pass)
+# configuring daemon
+useradd -r -g icingaweb2 -d /var/lib/icingadirector -s /bin/false icingadirector
+install -d -o icingadirector -g icingaweb2 -m 0750 /var/lib/icingadirector
+cp "/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/contrib/systemd/icinga-director.service" /etc/systemd/system/
+systemctl daemon-reload
+systemctl enable icinga-director && systemctl start icinga-director && systemctl status icinga-director
+# check in icinga instance, should be fine now:
+## at this point we need to create master in new zone
+# firstly empty everything from zones and certs
+rm /var/lib/icinga2/certs/*
+rm -rf /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/*
+rm -rf /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/zones-stage/*
+# start configuration
+icinga2 node wizard
+Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
+We will guide you through all required configuration details.
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: n
+Starting the Master setup routine...
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(hostname)]: (hostname)
+Reconfiguring Icinga...
+Checking for existing certificates for common name '(hostname)'...
+Certificates not yet generated. Running 'api setup' now.
+Generating master configuration for Icinga 2.
+'api' feature already enabled.
+Master zone name [master]: (new zone name)
+Default global zones: global-templates director-global
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:
+Disabling the inclusion of the conf.d directory...
+Checking if the api-users.conf file exists...
+Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# new cert should be generated in
+ls -la /var/lib/icinga2/certs
+# kickstarter to import freshly defined master configuration
+icingaweb2, configuration, modules, director, configuration
+kickstart wizard:
+endpoint name: (hostname of master)
+icinga host: localhost
+port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+password: (pass)
+[Run import]
+# examine that only necessary objects are imported
+# (clean installation on moment of writing contains about 241 object creations/modifications)
+icingaweb2, icinga director, activity log
+# on last page you should see your freshly zone created
+# when sure, deploy configuration
+icingaweb2, icinga director, activity log, [Deploy 241 pending changes]
+# you should see new config files appeared in
+ls -la /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones
+# during node setup, ticketsalt should be generated, but
+# check that it is updated, otherwise generate and modify file
+vi /etc/icinga2/constants.conf
+# during node setup, wizard ask to disable default checks, otherwise
+mv /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf.20191021
+# uncomment and enable, set 'true'
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/api.conf
+  ticket_salt = TicketSalt
+# enable features
+icinga2 feature enable command
+icinga2 feature enable perfdata
+# notifications
+yum install postfix
+systemctl enable postfix && systemctl start postfix && systemctl status postfix
+icinga2 feature enable notification && systemctl restart icinga2
+# selinux
+semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_notification_plugin_exec_t "/data/home/icinga/checks/local(/.*)?"
+restorecon -R /data/home/icinga/checks/local/
+# module:  reporting
+cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/reporting"
+mysql -u root -p
+# create template table first, otherwise 1005 error, cause key does not exist
+mysql -p -u root reporting < schema/mysql.sql
+Configuration -> Application -> Resources menu > create new resouce. icingaweb_reporting_db, reporting, reporting, utf8mb4.
+Configuration -> Modules -> reporting -> Backend, icingaweb_reporting_db
+cp /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/reporting/config/systemd/icinga-reporting.service /etc/systemd/system/icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl enable icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl start icinga-reporting.service
+(pdfexport requires
+# script installation
+# check connectivity
+curl -k -s -m 2 https://(host):5665/ >/dev/null && echo "5665 OK" || echo "5665 NOT OK"
+# (host): add repo to host
+yum repolist
+yum install icinga2 nagios-plugins-all
+# download host/agent/script, execute ./
+icinga2 feature enable command api
+icinga2 feature disable checker
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl restart icinga2
+# console installation from node
+(host):/data/home/(you)# icinga2 node wizard
+Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
+We will guide you through all required configuration details.
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: Y
+Starting the Agent/Satellite setup routine...
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(host)]:
+Please specify the parent endpoint(s) (master or satellite) where this node should connect to:
+Master/Satellite Common Name (CN from your master/satellite node): (host)
+Do you want to establish a connection to the parent node from this node? [Y/n]: y
+Please specify the master/satellite connection information:
+Master/Satellite endpoint host (IP address or FQDN): (host)
+Master/Satellite endpoint port [5665]:
+Add more master/satellite endpoints? [y/N]: n
+Parent certificate information:
+ Subject:     CN = (host)
+ Issuer:      CN = Icinga CA
+ Valid From:  Sep 29 11:23:06 2019 GMT
+ Valid Until: Sep 25 11:23:06 2034 GMT
+ Fingerprint: 39 60 1B AE D0 93 1E 36 89 4E 5E 04 E1 C5 80 1B 57 CC 0C D6
+Is this information correct? [y/N]: y
+Please specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master (optional).
+ (Hint: # icinga2 pki ticket --cn '(host)'): 8bc7aa3167870788b8xxx85b8fe1f5310ffbd
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Accept config from parent node? [y/N]: y
+Accept commands from parent node? [y/N]: y
+Reconfiguring Icinga...
+Disabling feature notification. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
+Enabling feature api. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
+Local zone name [(host)]:
+Parent zone name [master]: (host)
+Default global zones: global-templates director-global
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:
+Disabling the inclusion of the conf.d directory...
+# Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!
+(host):/data/home/(you)# systemctl restart icinga2
+icinga2 feature enable command api
+icinga2 feature disable checker
+systemctl restart icinga2

+ 621 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+# ICINGA installation
+# update 2019 11 12
+yum install icinga2 icinga2-selinux
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl start icinga2
+icinga2 feature list
+yum install nagios-plugins-all
+# installing DB for icinga
+yum install mariadb-server mariadb
+systemctl enable mariadb && systemctl start mariadb
+yum install icinga2-ido-mysql
+mysql -u root -p
+#(created by GRANT command, single run) CREATE USER icinga@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+mysql -u root -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf
+    uncomment and update credentials
+ln -s /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf
+systemctl restart icinga2
+yum install httpd
+systemctl enable httpd && systemctl start httpd
+# open firewall 80,443
+################## setup
+# clean if re-setup
+rm /var/lib/icinga2/ca/ca.*
+rm /var/lib/icinga2/certs/*.key
+rm /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf
+rm /etc/icinga2/constants.conf
+rm -R /var/lib/icinga2/api/packages/director
+# re-enable setup module
+icingacli module enable setup
+# changes passes for root
+icinga2 api setup
+icinga2 node wizard
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: n
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(host)]: (host)
+Master zone name [master]: zon1
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]: y
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# debug
+icinga2 daemon -C
+# add salt (should generated by setup)
+# generate ticketsalt and modify file
+vi /etc/icinga2/constants.conf
+vi /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf
+# add another user
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+  password = "newpass"
+  // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+  permissions = [ "*" ]
+systemctl restart icinga2
+yum install rh-php71 rh-php71-php-mysqlnd
+yum install icingaweb2 icingaweb2-selinux icingacli
+systemctl enable rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl start rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# check for FilesMatch
+vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/icingaweb2.conf
+systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+systemctl status rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+icingacli setup token create
+  The newly generated setup token is: 512233xxxxa90f12
+# to recall token:
+icingacli setup token show
+# create DB for icingaweb2
+mysql -u root -p
+    CREATE DATABASE icingaweb2;
+    GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+# to recreate manually schema of icingaweb2
+mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 < /usr/share/doc/icingaweb2/schema/mysql.schema.sql
+# change pass for icingaweb2, in case it is forgotten
+mysql -u root -p
+    USE icingaweb2;
+# install ImageMagick
+yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
+################ server firewall
+# open firewall
+### ## #
+# Icinga welcomes agents.
+### ## #
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s --dport 5665 -j ACCEPT
+#? -A INPUT -m state -m tcp --state NEW -p tcp --dport 5665 -j ACCEPT
+# github?
+# for github
+# (better create ipset)
+-A OUTPUT -m multiport -m tcp -p tcp -d --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
+#################### installing director (adding hosts/services)
+yum install git
+# dependencies
+# need manually download, cause firewall is blocking github, otherwise use script
+# check for latest version
+# modify script, according to latest version number
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/reactbundle"
+tar xfz icingaweb2-module-reactbundle-0.6.0.tar.gz -C ${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/reactbundle --strip-components 1
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/ipl"
+tar xfz icingaweb2-module-ipl-0.3.0.tar.gz -C ${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/ipl --strip-components 1
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/incubator"
+tar xfz icingaweb2-module-incubator-0.3.0.tar.gz -C ${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/incubator --strip-components 1
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/director"
+tar xfz icingaweb2-module-director-1.7.0.tar.gz -C ${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/director --strip-components 1
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8'):
+Configuration / Application / Resources
+# configure icinga director
+Configuration / Modules / director / Configuration / DB resource = icingaweb_director_db , create database schema
+endpoint: (host)
+Icinga Host: (host)
+Port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+password: (password)
+# configuring daemon
+useradd -r -g icingaweb2 -d /var/lib/icingadirector -s /bin/false icingadirector
+install -d -o icingadirector -g icingaweb2 -m 0750 /var/lib/icingadirector
+cp "${MODULE_PATH}/contrib/systemd/icinga-director.service" /etc/systemd/system/
+systemctl daemon-reload
+systemctl enable icinga-director.service
+Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/icinga-director.service.
+systemctl start icinga-director.service
+# disable default checks
+mv /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf.20191021
+# uncomment and enable, set 'true'
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/api.conf
+# enable features
+icinga2 feature enable command perfdata
+# consider: install and enable InfluxDB and disable perfdata (writing to files), instructions below:
+# module:  reporting
+cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/reporting"
+mysql -u root -p
+    CREATE DATABASE reporting;
+# create template table first, otherwise 1005 error, cause key does not exist
+mysql -p -u root reporting < schema/mysql.sql
+Configuration -> Application -> Resources > create new resouce. icingaweb_reporting_db, db:reporting, l:reporting, p:(newpass), utf8mb4, [validate configuration], [save changes]
+Configuration -> Modules -> reporting -> Backend, icingaweb_reporting_db, [save changes]
+  -> Mail > From: icinga@(host), [save changes]
+cp /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/reporting/config/systemd/icinga-reporting.service /etc/systemd/system/icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl enable icinga-reporting && systemctl start icinga-reporting
+(pdfexport requires
+# test
+reporting > reports > availability > send > (type_email), [send]
+# module: InfluxDB Writer
+# enabling perfdata writing into database (for later access with other tools)
+By default the InfluxdbWriter feature expects the InfluxDB daemon to listen at on port 8086.
+icinga2 feature enable influxdb
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# If SELinux is enabled, it will not allow access for Icinga 2 to InfluxDB until the boolean icinga2_can_connect_all is set
+getsebool -a | grep icinga
+setsebool -P icinga2_can_connect_all true
+# more policies
+vi icinga_allow_getattr.te
+module icinga_allow_getattr 1.0;
+require {
+        type icinga2_t;
+        type fs_t;
+        class filesystem getattr;
+#============= icinga2_t ==============
+allow icinga2_t fs_t:filesystem getattr;
+pack, check and install module
+checkmodule -M -m -o icinga_allow_getattr.mod icinga_allow_getattr.te
+semodule_package -m icinga_allow_getattr.mod -o icinga_allow_getattr.pp
+semodule -i icinga_allow_getattr.pp
+# Visualization: InfluxDB + Grafana
+yum install influxdb
+systemctl start influxd
+netstat -ntap | grep 8086
+    CREATE DATABASE icinga2;
+    CREATE USER icinga2 WITH PASSWORD '(newpass)';
+# enable SSL in influxdb
+vi /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
+https-enabled = true
+https-certificate = "<bundled-certificate-file>.pem"
+https-private-key = "<bundled-certificate-file>.pem"
+# remember to give permissions to files, my cert is owned by grafana group, to keep everybody happy
+usermod -aG grafana influxdb
+cat /etc/group | grep grafana
+systemctl restart influxdb
+influx -ssl -host (host)
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/influxdb.conf
+---snip snip---
+The InfluxdbWriter type writes check result metrics and performance data to an InfluxDB HTTP API
+object InfluxdbWriter "influxdb" {
+  host = ""
+  port = 8086
+  ssl_enable = true
+#  ssl_cert = /data/www/conf/ssl/(cert)-crt.pem
+#  ssl_key = /data/www/conf/ssl/(cert)-key.pem
+  database = "icinga2"
+  username = "icinga2"
+  password = "(newpass)"
+  enable_send_thresholds = true
+  enable_send_metadata = true
+  flush_threshold = 1024
+  flush_interval = 10s
+  host_template = {
+      measurement = "$host.check_command$"
+      tags = {
+          hostname = "$$"
+      }
+  }
+  service_template = {
+      measurement = "$service.check_command$"
+      tags = {
+          hostname = "$$"
+          service = "$$"
+      }
+  }
+# installing Grafana front-end and connecting it to InfluxDB
+yum install grafana
+systemctl daemon-reload
+systemctl enable grafana-server
+systemctl start grafana-server
+netstat -ntap | grep 3000
+curl 0:3000
+vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+add data source > influxdb
+specify: name, URL, database, username, password [test and save]
+copy-paste dashboard config from , [import]
+check settings, specify icinga2-influxdb to correct data source, [import]
+add another dashboard
+vi /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
+protocol = https
+cert_file = /data/www/conf/ssl/(host)-crt.pem
+cert_key = /data/www/conf/ssl/(host)-key.pem
+reporting_enabled = false
+check_for_updates = false
+disable_initial_admin_creation = true
+disable_gravatar = false
+cookie_secure = true
+allow_embedding = true
+strict_transport_security = true
+# adjust to three days (over weekend)
+strict_transport_security_max_age_seconds = 86400
+allow_sign_up = false
+enabled = false
+# make grafana happy accessing certificates
+chgrp grafana /data/www/conf/ssl/(host)-key.pem
+chmod 0440 /data/www/conf/ssl/(host)-key.pem
+# module: Grafana Module for Icinga Web 2
+# show graphs inside of icinga ui
+# do not enable image rendering, use IFRAME
+# replace version number from
+# with internet
+install -d -m 0755 "${TARGET_DIR}"
+wget -q -O - "$URL" | tar xfz - -C "${TARGET_DIR}" --strip-components 1
+# without internet
+upload to host
+install -d -m 0755 "${TARGET_DIR}"
+tar xfz /data/home/(you)/icingaweb2-module-grafana-1.3.6.tar.gz -C "${TARGET_DIR}" --strip-components 1
+chmod -R 0755 /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/grafana
+mkdir /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana
+vi /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/config.ini
+	[grafana]
+  host = "(host):3000"
+	protocol = "http"
+	defaultdashboard = "base-metrics"
+	defaultorgid = "1"
+	defaultdashboardstore = "db"
+	theme = "light"
+	datasource = "influxdb"
+	accessmode = "iframe"
+	timerange = "6h"
+vi /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/graphs.ini
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "1"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "3"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "9"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "2"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "4"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "5"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "7"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "6"
+orgId = ""
+dashboard = "base-metrics"
+panelId = "8"
+orgId = ""
+vi /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
+enabled = true
+allow_embedding = true
+# selinux
+ls -laZ /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/
+semanage fcontext -a -t icingaweb2_content_t "/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules(/.*)?"
+cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.local | grep icinga
+restorecon -R -v /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/
+systemctl restart grafana-server
+chown apache:icingaweb2 /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/
+chmod 770 /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/
+chmod 660 /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/*
+icingacli module list | grep grafana
+icingacli module enable grafana
+icingacli module list | grep grafana
+systemctl restart httpd
+systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm
+chown -R apache:icingaweb2 /etc/icingaweb2
+icingaweb2 > configuration > module > grafana > configuration > default-dashboard
+# deploying by_ssh check style
+# server side (made once)
+passwd icinga
+vi /etc/passwd
+    # replace:
+    # icinga:x:991:990:icinga:/var/spool/icinga2:/sbin/nologin
+    icinga:x:991:990:icinga:/data/home/icinga:/bin/bash
+mkdir /data/home/icinga
+chown icinga:icinga /data/home/icinga
+chmod 700 /data/home/icinga
+ls -la /data/home
+# move perfdata to new new home directory
+mv -R /var/spool/icinga2* /data/home/icinga
+systemctl restart icinga
+# create ssh key pair, do not set passphrase
+ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -C "icinga@$(hostname) (by_ssh check)" -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
+# if icinga home directory is elsewhere, move it
+systemctl stop icinga2.service
+usermod -m -d /data/home/icinga icinga
+systemctl start icinga2.service
+systemctl status icinga2.service
+# check_nwc_health
+git clone
+# upload
+yum install make
+yum install gcc
+yum install build-essential
+yum install automake autoreconf
+yum install dos2unix
+dos2unix *
+yum install -y perl-Net-SNMP perl-Data-Dumper perl-Module-Load
+./configure --libexec=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins --with-nagios-user=icinga --with-nagios-group=icinga
+vi missing
+    :set ff=unix
+    :wq
+cp plugins-scripts/check_nwc_health /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/
+chmod 755 /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nwc_health
+# common issues:
+# Remote command execution failed: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
+# Remote command execution failed: Host key verification failed.
+# Remote command execution failed: bash: /data/home/nagios/libexec/check_disk: No such file or directory
+## enabling API (probably from old documentation)
+# add ApiUser and restart
+vi /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf
+# test
+curl -k -s -u collector:newpass ''

+ 534 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+# init on ‎21 ‎July ‎2020, ‏‎10:10:56
+# 2021 01 27  * updated
+at the moment of writing, icinga packages were not available in RHN for RH Satellites
+subscribed to Icinga_RHEL8_Icinga_RHEL8
+# ICINGA (master installation)
+# enable REPOS, subscribe if needed
+yum repolist
+yum update
+yum install icinga2 icinga2-selinux
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl restart icinga2 && systemctl status icinga2
+icinga2 feature list
+yum install icingaweb2 icingaweb2-selinux icingacli
+# if you wish to use EPEL's plugins, install them with
+yum install nagios-plugins-all
+# otherwise install them manually
+# yum install mariadb-server mariadb
+# use better module installation instead
+yum module install mariadb
+systemctl enable mariadb && systemctl start mariadb
+# secure mariadb installation (set root pass, disable its remote access)
+# install icinga--mariadb connector
+yum install icinga2-ido-mysql
+# create database, user and tables
+mysql -u root -p
+  # you may create user and grand using same command
+  # CREATE USER icinga@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+  quit
+mysql -u root -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
+# determine credentials
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf
+  uncomment and update credentials
+ln -s /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# better to install using module command and check that it is running
+# yum install httpd
+yum module install httpd
+systemctl enable httpd && systemctl start httpd
+netstat -ntap | grep -e 80 -e 443
+# configure icinga
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# set new pass for root API user
+vi /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf
+# add another user
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+  password = "newpass"
+  // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+  permissions = [ "*" ]
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# check which php version you have with
+php -v
+# you might need to install php7 version:
+# yum install rh-php71 rh-php71-php-mysqlnd
+# systemctl enable rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl start rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# check for FilesMatch, if using php-fpm
+vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/icingaweb2.conf
+# restart php, if changed needed to apply
+# systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl status rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# generate new token, copy-paste into notepad, you will need it
+icingacli setup token create
+  The newly generated setup token is: 51223xxxxxxx0f12
+# create table in DB for icingaweb2
+mysql -u root -p
+CREATE DATABASE icingaweb2;
+GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '(newpass)';
+# does not exist in repo, comes from EPEL, better is "GraphicsMagick.x86_64 : An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality"
+# yum install ImageMagick
+# causes dependecies error
+# yum install ImageMagick-devel
+# source /opt/rh/rh-php71/enable
+# /opt/rh/rh-php71/root/bin/pecl install imagick
+# server firewall
+# open firewall, if needed tcp/(80,443)
+vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+### ## #
+# Icinga welcomes.
+### ## #
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s --dport 5665 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Icinga listens for agents."
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Icinga listens for http(s) connections."
+# reload firewall and check
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers | grep Icinga
+# github? no github, please.
+# for github
+open firewall rules here
+# at this point Icingaweb2 should be accessible via browser
+# proceed with setup instractions, provided by wizard
+# provide token generate earlier or, you forgot it already, recall it with:
+icingacli setup token show
+# check that icinga is happy with internal checks
+# I got:
+  The PHP module Imagick is missing.
+# but will work on it in the future.
+# plan, how authentication will happen on your instance and apply chosen way
+# local authentication = "database" scenario earlier created)
+Authentication Type: Database
+Resource Name: icingaweb2
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: icingaweb2
+Username: icingaweb2
+Passowrd: (pass)
+# if you know what are you doing, specify yours, other very advised to use:
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[Validate configuration]
+  "The configuration has been successfully validated."
+Authentication Backend: Backend Name: icingaweb2
+# create admin user in icingaweb2
+Username: admin
+Password: (newpass)
+Repeat password: (repeat newpass)
+# application configuration left untoched
+Show Stacktraces [x]
+Show Application State Messages [x]
+User Preference Storage Type: database
+logging type: syslog
+logging level: error
+application prefix: icingaweb2
+facility: user
+Monitoring Backend
+Backend Name: icinga
+Backend Type: IDO
+# now it is time to tell to IcingaWeb2 where Icinga2 stores its data
+Monitoring IDO Resource
+Resource Name: icinga_ido
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database Name: icinga
+Username: icinga
+Password: (pass)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to icinga as icinga on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+# how do we going to tell icinga instance what to do
+Command Transport
+Transport Name: icinga2
+Transport Type: Icinga 2 API
+Host: localhost
+Port: 5665
+# created earlier
+API Username: icingaweb2
+API Password: (pass)
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+Protected Custom Variables: *pw*,*pass*,community
+    Congratulations! Icinga Web 2 has been successfully set up.
+[Login to Icinga Web 2]
+# !! ready !! login with your admin account
+# installing director (adding hosts/services)
+# assuming at this point that firewall is opened towards github servers
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers | grep git
+5        0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              multiport dports 80,443 tcp match-set github dst
+# easy way:
+yum install git
+# installing required module dependencies first
+# check for latest release number and adjust MODULE_VERSION variable below:
+# prepare download directory to avoid mess and keep places clean and tidy
+mkdir -p downloads/modules4icinga
+cd downloads/modules4icinga/
+# check that icingaweb2 modules directory exists and is not empty:
+ls -la /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+# create installation script
+# paste following code below:
+# 2020 01 27  + init: this script written to install/update modules for icinga /A
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+ls -la ${MODULES_PATH}
+icingacli module list
+echo "Done."
+# make script executable and run it (you will need it in the future to update modules)
+chmod +x ./
+total 4
+drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root  130 Jan 27 15:17 .
+drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root   80 Jan 27 10:58 ..
+drwxr-xr-x. 11 root root 4096 Jan 27 15:17 director
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  124 Jan 27 10:58 doc
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  232 Jan 27 15:17 incubator
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  205 Jan 27 15:17 ipl
+drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root  136 Jan 27 10:58 monitoring
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root  169 Jan 27 15:17 reactbundle
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   71 Jan 27 10:58 setup
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   70 Jan 27 10:58 translation
+director       1.8.0     enabled   Director - Config tool for Icinga 2
+doc            2.8.2     enabled   Documentation module
+incubator      0.6.0     enabled   Incubator provides bleeding-edge libraries
+ipl            v0.5.0    enabled   The Icinga PHP library
+monitoring     2.8.2     enabled   Icinga monitoring module
+reactbundle    0.8.0     enabled   ReactPHP-based 3rd party libraries
+# installing module dependencies (repeat until Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!)
+yum install php-mysqlnd php-curl php-iconv php-pcntl php-process php-sockets php-mbstring php-json
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8', utf8mb4 will not work (for time of writing, 2021 01 27 /A)):
+GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+Icingaweb2, Configuration, Application, Resources, [Create New Resource]
+Resource Type: SQL Database
+Resource Name: director
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: director
+Username: director
+Password: director
+Character set: utf8
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to director as director on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+[save changes]
+# configure icinga director
+icingaweb2, Configuration, Modules, director, Configuration
+DB resource: director_db
+[create database schema]
+# kickstart wizard (if fresh install you do not need to import anything)
+endpoint: (hostname), if not sure, use FQDN here
+hostname: (hostname), if not sure, use FQDN here
+Port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+Password: (pass)
+# configuring daemon
+useradd -r -g icingaweb2 -d /var/lib/icingadirector -s /bin/false icingadirector
+install -d -o icingadirector -g icingaweb2 -m 0750 /var/lib/icingadirector
+cp "/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/contrib/systemd/icinga-director.service" /etc/systemd/system/
+systemctl daemon-reload
+systemctl enable icinga-director && systemctl start icinga-director && systemctl status icinga-director
+# check in icinga instance, should be fine now:
+## at this point we need to create master in new zone
+# firstly empty everything from zones and certs
+rm /var/lib/icinga2/certs/*
+rm -rf /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/*
+rm -rf /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/zones-stage/*
+# start configuration
+icinga2 node wizard
+Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
+We will guide you through all required configuration details.
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: n
+Starting the Master setup routine...
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(hostname)]: (hostname)
+Reconfiguring Icinga...
+Checking for existing certificates for common name '(hostname)'...
+Certificates not yet generated. Running 'api setup' now.
+Generating master configuration for Icinga 2.
+'api' feature already enabled.
+Master zone name [master]: (new zone name)
+Default global zones: global-templates director-global
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:
+Disabling the inclusion of the conf.d directory...
+Checking if the api-users.conf file exists...
+Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# new cert should be generated in
+ls -la /var/lib/icinga2/certs
+# kickstarter to import freshly defined master configuration
+icingaweb2, configuration, modules, director, configuration
+kickstart wizard:
+endpoint name: (hostname of master)
+icinga host: localhost
+port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+password: (pass)
+[Run import]
+# examine that only necessary objects are imported
+# (clean installation on moment of writing contains about 241 object creations/modifications)
+icingaweb2, icinga director, activity log
+# on last page you should see your freshly zone created
+# when sure, deploy configuration
+icingaweb2, icinga director, activity log, [Deploy 241 pending changes]
+# you should see new config files appeared in
+ls -la /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones
+# during node setup, ticketsalt should be generated, but
+# check that it is updated, otherwise generate and modify file
+vi /etc/icinga2/constants.conf
+# during node setup, wizard ask to disable default checks, otherwise
+mv /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf.20191021
+# uncomment and enable, set 'true'
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/api.conf
+  ticket_salt = TicketSalt
+# enable features
+icinga2 feature enable command
+icinga2 feature enable perfdata
+# notifications
+yum install postfix
+systemctl enable postfix && systemctl start postfix && systemctl status postfix
+icinga2 feature enable notification && systemctl restart icinga2
+# selinux
+semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_notification_plugin_exec_t "/data/home/icinga/checks/local(/.*)?"
+restorecon -R /data/home/icinga/checks/local/
+# module:  reporting
+cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/reporting"
+mysql -u root -p
+# create template table first, otherwise 1005 error, cause key does not exist
+mysql -p -u root reporting < schema/mysql.sql
+Configuration -> Application -> Resources menu > create new resouce. icingaweb_reporting_db, reporting, reporting, utf8mb4.
+Configuration -> Modules -> reporting -> Backend, icingaweb_reporting_db
+cp /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/reporting/config/systemd/icinga-reporting.service /etc/systemd/system/icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl enable icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl start icinga-reporting.service
+(pdfexport requires
+# script installation
+# check connectivity
+curl -k -s -m 2 https://(host):5665/ >/dev/null && echo "5665 OK" || echo "5665 NOT OK"
+# (host): add repo to host
+yum repolist
+yum install icinga2 nagios-plugins-all
+# download host/agent/script, execute ./
+icinga2 feature enable command api
+icinga2 feature disable checker
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl restart icinga2
+# console installation from node
+(host):/data/home/(you)# icinga2 node wizard
+Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
+We will guide you through all required configuration details.
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: Y
+Starting the Agent/Satellite setup routine...
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(host)]:
+Please specify the parent endpoint(s) (master or satellite) where this node should connect to:
+Master/Satellite Common Name (CN from your master/satellite node): (host)
+Do you want to establish a connection to the parent node from this node? [Y/n]: y
+Please specify the master/satellite connection information:
+Master/Satellite endpoint host (IP address or FQDN): (host)
+Master/Satellite endpoint port [5665]:
+Add more master/satellite endpoints? [y/N]: n
+Parent certificate information:
+ Subject:     CN = (host)
+ Issuer:      CN = Icinga CA
+ Valid From:  Sep 29 11:23:06 2019 GMT
+ Valid Until: Sep 25 11:23:06 2034 GMT
+ Fingerprint: 39 60 1B AE D0 93 1E 36 89 4E 5E 04 E1 C5 80 1B 57 CC 0C D6
+Is this information correct? [y/N]: y
+Please specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master (optional).
+ (Hint: # icinga2 pki ticket --cn '(host)'): 8bc7aa3167870788b8xxx85b8fe1f5310ffbd
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Accept config from parent node? [y/N]: y
+Accept commands from parent node? [y/N]: y
+Reconfiguring Icinga...
+Disabling feature notification. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
+Enabling feature api. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
+Local zone name [(host)]:
+Parent zone name [master]: (host)
+Default global zones: global-templates director-global
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:
+Disabling the inclusion of the conf.d directory...
+# Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!
+(host):/data/home/(you)# systemctl restart icinga2
+icinga2 feature enable command api
+icinga2 feature disable checker
+systemctl restart icinga2

+ 792 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+2023-10-17  * initial run
+Create Ubuntu x86_64 architecture VM instance (aarch64 has icingaweb2.9.5, which is not supporting php v8.1).
+Do not deploy Icinga onto arm64, second trial. Not supported, yet.
+N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-arm64/Packages' as repository ' icinga-jammy InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'arm64'
+At this, point piece of advice, Debian is supporting arm64 architecture. I am running Mac M1, which is ARM. For local instance, I shall move to Debian distro.
+Refer to another document.
+! Below assuming all commands are executed in the priveledged mode
+Sync time for initially booted system and update/upgrade it.
+hwclock --hctosys
+apt update && apt upgrade
+shutdown -r now
+Install utilities (optional)
+apt install tmux net-tools traceroute tcpdump
+Create local user,
+Install and secure MariaDB instance (write down root password)
+apt install mariadb-server
+netstat -ntap | grep 3306
+  tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      18957/mariadbd
+Add Icinga repository:
+ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
+    total 12
+    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 25 13:49 .
+    drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Oct 24 16:05 ..
+    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  236 Oct 25 13:49 jammy-icinga.list
+Installing Icinga, IcingaWeb and IcingaWeb Director
+apt install \
+  icinga2 \
+  icinga2-ido-mysql \
+  icingacli \
+  icingaweb2 \
+  icingaweb2-common \
+  icingaweb2-module-director \
+  icingaweb2-module-idoreports \
+  icingaweb2-module-ipl \
+  icingaweb2-module-monitoring \
+  icingaweb2-module-pdfexport \
+  icingaweb2-module-reporting \
+  libapache2-mod-php \
+apt install \
+  icinga-director-daemon \
+  icinga-director-php \
+  icinga-director-web \
+  icinga-director
+dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/icinga-php-incubator_0.20.0-1+ubuntu22.04_all.deb
+dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/icinga-director-php_1.10.2-1+ubuntu22.04_all.deb
+Questions during install
+Configure database for icinga2-ido-mysql with dbconfig-common? [yes/no] yes
+MySQL application password for icinga2-ido-mysql: (generate and provide pass)
+Checking services are enabled and running:
+systemctl status mariadb
+systemctl status icinga2
+systemctl status apache2
+Check, that webserver is listening:
+ss -ntap | grep apache
+Check, that webserver is accessible and inspect connectivity until you see the desired traffic.
+apt install tcpdump
+tcpdump port 80
+tail -f /var/log/apache2/*.log
+tail -f /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log
+Create icinga2 setup token
+icingacli setup token create
+The newly generated setup token is: 5aabdfd054d9f0fa
+systemctl restart apache2
+Create IcingaWeb2 database (not Icinga)
+CREATE DATABASE icingaweb2;
+GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '(stong-password)';
+After token is successfully generated, open URL and provide token ID.
+Check all modules, [Next]
+Provide IcingaWeb2 DB credentials. [Validate], [Next]
+Configure Monitoring IDO Resource (created during apt install icinga2-ido-mysql):
+Resource Name: icinga_ido
+DB Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+DB Name: icinga2
+Username: icinga2
+Password: (provided)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[Validate], [Next]
+Create API user in order for IcingaWeb2 to command or control Icinga2 (process)
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/api.conf
+# EDIT #
+# add another user
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+  password = "newpass"
+  // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+  permissions = [ "*" ]
+# EDIT #
+# configure icinga
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# check that Icinga2 is now listening for API queries
+ss -ntap | grep 5665
+LISTEN    0      4096                    *:5665                   *:*     users:(("icinga2",pid=21383,fd=18))
+# configure IcingaWeb2 Director
+create system user for icingadirector (to run systemctl icinga-director service (daemon))
+useradd -r -g icingaweb2 -d /var/lib/icingadirector -s /bin/false icingadirector
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8', utf8mb4 will not work (for time of writing, 2021 01 27 /A)):
+GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+Icingaweb2, Configuration, Application, Resources, [Create New Resource]
+Resource Type: SQL Database
+Resource Name: director
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: director
+Username: director
+Password: director
+Character set: utf8
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to director as director on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+[save changes]
+# configure icinga director
+icingaweb2, Configuration, Modules, director, Configuration
+DB resource: director_db
+[create database schema]
+Icinga Director,
+DB Source: [icingaweb2_db], [Create schema]
+# 2021 01 27  * updated
+at the moment of writing, icinga packages were not available in RHN for RH Satellites
+subscribed to Icinga_RHEL8_Icinga_RHEL8
+# ICINGA (master installation)
+# enable REPOS, subscribe if needed
+yum repolist
+yum update
+yum install icinga2 icinga2-selinux
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl restart icinga2 && systemctl status icinga2
+icinga2 feature list
+yum install icingaweb2 icingaweb2-selinux icingacli
+# if you wish to use EPEL's plugins, install them with
+yum install nagios-plugins-all
+# otherwise install them manually
+# yum install mariadb-server mariadb
+# use better module installation instead
+yum module install mariadb
+systemctl enable mariadb && systemctl start mariadb
+# secure mariadb installation (set root pass, disable its remote access)
+# install icinga--mariadb connector
+yum install icinga2-ido-mysql
+# create database, user and tables
+mysql -u root -p
+  # you may create user and grand using same command
+  # CREATE USER icinga@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+  quit
+mysql -u root -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
+# determine credentials
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf
+  uncomment and update credentials
+ln -s /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# better to install using module command and check that it is running
+# yum install httpd
+yum module install httpd
+systemctl enable httpd && systemctl start httpd
+netstat -ntap | grep -e 80 -e 443
+# configure icinga
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# set new pass for root API user
+vi /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf
+# add another user
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+  password = "newpass"
+  // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+  permissions = [ "*" ]
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# check which php version you have with
+php -v
+# you might need to install php7 version:
+# yum install rh-php71 rh-php71-php-mysqlnd
+# systemctl enable rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl start rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# check for FilesMatch, if using php-fpm
+vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/icingaweb2.conf
+# restart php, if changed needed to apply
+# systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm.service && systemctl status rh-php71-php-fpm.service
+# generate new token, copy-paste into notepad, you will need it
+icingacli setup token create
+  The newly generated setup token is: 51223xxxxxxx0f12
+# create table in DB for icingaweb2
+mysql -u root -p
+CREATE DATABASE icingaweb2;
+GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '(newpass)';
+# does not exist in repo, comes from EPEL, better is "GraphicsMagick.x86_64 : An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality"
+# yum install ImageMagick
+# causes dependecies error
+# yum install ImageMagick-devel
+# source /opt/rh/rh-php71/enable
+# /opt/rh/rh-php71/root/bin/pecl install imagick
+# server firewall
+# open firewall, if needed tcp/(80,443)
+vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+### ## #
+# Icinga welcomes.
+### ## #
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s --dport 5665 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Icinga listens for agents."
+-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Icinga listens for http(s) connections."
+# reload firewall and check
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers | grep Icinga
+# github? no github, please.
+# for github
+open firewall rules here
+# at this point Icingaweb2 should be accessible via browser
+# proceed with setup instractions, provided by wizard
+# provide token generate earlier or, you forgot it already, recall it with:
+icingacli setup token show
+# check that icinga is happy with internal checks
+# I got:
+  The PHP module Imagick is missing.
+# but will work on it in the future.
+# plan, how authentication will happen on your instance and apply chosen way
+# local authentication = "database" scenario earlier created)
+Authentication Type: Database
+Resource Name: icingaweb2
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: icingaweb2
+Username: icingaweb2
+Passowrd: (pass)
+# if you know what are you doing, specify yours, other very advised to use:
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[Validate configuration]
+  "The configuration has been successfully validated."
+Authentication Backend: Backend Name: icingaweb2
+# create admin user in icingaweb2
+Username: admin
+Password: (newpass)
+Repeat password: (repeat newpass)
+# application configuration left untoched
+Show Stacktraces [x]
+Show Application State Messages [x]
+User Preference Storage Type: database
+logging type: syslog
+logging level: error
+application prefix: icingaweb2
+facility: user
+Monitoring Backend
+Backend Name: icinga
+Backend Type: IDO
+# now it is time to tell to IcingaWeb2 where Icinga2 stores its data
+Monitoring IDO Resource
+Resource Name: icinga_ido
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database Name: icinga
+Username: icinga
+Password: (pass)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to icinga as icinga on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+# how do we going to tell icinga instance what to do
+Command Transport
+Transport Name: icinga2
+Transport Type: Icinga 2 API
+Host: localhost
+Port: 5665
+# created earlier
+API Username: icingaweb2
+API Password: (pass)
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+Protected Custom Variables: *pw*,*pass*,community
+    Congratulations! Icinga Web 2 has been successfully set up.
+[Login to Icinga Web 2]
+# !! ready !! login with your admin account
+# installing director (adding hosts/services)
+# assuming at this point that firewall is opened towards github servers
+iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers | grep git
+5        0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              multiport dports 80,443 tcp match-set github dst
+# easy way:
+yum install git
+# installing required module dependencies first
+# check for latest release number and adjust MODULE_VERSION variable below:
+# prepare download directory to avoid mess and keep places clean and tidy
+mkdir -p downloads/modules4icinga
+cd downloads/modules4icinga/
+# check that icingaweb2 modules directory exists and is not empty:
+ls -la /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+# create installation script
+# paste following code below:
+# 2020 01 27  + init: this script written to install/update modules for icinga /A
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}"
+icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}"
+ls -la ${MODULES_PATH}
+icingacli module list
+echo "Done."
+# make script executable and run it (you will need it in the future to update modules)
+chmod +x ./
+total 4
+drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root  130 Jan 27 15:17 .
+drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root   80 Jan 27 10:58 ..
+drwxr-xr-x. 11 root root 4096 Jan 27 15:17 director
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  124 Jan 27 10:58 doc
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  232 Jan 27 15:17 incubator
+drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root  205 Jan 27 15:17 ipl
+drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root  136 Jan 27 10:58 monitoring
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root  169 Jan 27 15:17 reactbundle
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   71 Jan 27 10:58 setup
+drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   70 Jan 27 10:58 translation
+director       1.8.0     enabled   Director - Config tool for Icinga 2
+doc            2.8.2     enabled   Documentation module
+incubator      0.6.0     enabled   Incubator provides bleeding-edge libraries
+ipl            v0.5.0    enabled   The Icinga PHP library
+monitoring     2.8.2     enabled   Icinga monitoring module
+reactbundle    0.8.0     enabled   ReactPHP-based 3rd party libraries
+# installing module dependencies (repeat until Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!)
+yum install php-mysqlnd php-curl php-iconv php-pcntl php-process php-sockets php-mbstring php-json
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8', utf8mb4 will not work (for time of writing, 2021 01 27 /A)):
+GRANT ALL ON director.* TO director@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass';
+Icingaweb2, Configuration, Application, Resources, [Create New Resource]
+Resource Type: SQL Database
+Resource Name: director
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: director
+Username: director
+Password: director
+Character set: utf8
+[validate configuration]
+    The configuration has been successfully validated.
+    Validation Log
+    Connection to director as director on localhost: successful
+    have_ssl: DISABLED
+    protocol_version: 10
+    version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+    version_compile_os: Linux
+[save changes]
+# configure icinga director
+icingaweb2, Configuration, Modules, director, Configuration
+DB resource: director_db
+[create database schema]
+# kickstart wizard (if fresh install you do not need to import anything)
+endpoint: (hostname), if not sure, use FQDN here
+hostname: (hostname), if not sure, use FQDN here
+Port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+Password: (pass)
+# configuring daemon
+useradd -r -g icingaweb2 -d /var/lib/icingadirector -s /bin/false icingadirector
+install -d -o icingadirector -g icingaweb2 -m 0750 /var/lib/icingadirector
+cp "/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/contrib/systemd/icinga-director.service" /etc/systemd/system/
+systemctl daemon-reload
+systemctl enable icinga-director && systemctl start icinga-director && systemctl status icinga-director
+# check in icinga instance, should be fine now:
+## at this point we need to create master in new zone
+# firstly empty everything from zones and certs
+rm /var/lib/icinga2/certs/*
+rm -rf /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/*
+rm -rf /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/zones-stage/*
+# start configuration
+icinga2 node wizard
+Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
+We will guide you through all required configuration details.
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: n
+Starting the Master setup routine...
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(hostname)]: (hostname)
+Reconfiguring Icinga...
+Checking for existing certificates for common name '(hostname)'...
+Certificates not yet generated. Running 'api setup' now.
+Generating master configuration for Icinga 2.
+'api' feature already enabled.
+Master zone name [master]: (new zone name)
+Default global zones: global-templates director-global
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:
+Disabling the inclusion of the conf.d directory...
+Checking if the api-users.conf file exists...
+Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!
+systemctl restart icinga2
+# new cert should be generated in
+ls -la /var/lib/icinga2/certs
+# kickstarter to import freshly defined master configuration
+icingaweb2, configuration, modules, director, configuration
+kickstart wizard:
+endpoint name: (hostname of master)
+icinga host: localhost
+port: 5665
+API user: icingaweb2
+password: (pass)
+[Run import]
+# examine that only necessary objects are imported
+# (clean installation on moment of writing contains about 241 object creations/modifications)
+icingaweb2, icinga director, activity log
+# on last page you should see your freshly zone created
+# when sure, deploy configuration
+icingaweb2, icinga director, activity log, [Deploy 241 pending changes]
+# you should see new config files appeared in
+ls -la /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones
+# during node setup, ticketsalt should be generated, but
+# check that it is updated, otherwise generate and modify file
+vi /etc/icinga2/constants.conf
+# during node setup, wizard ask to disable default checks, otherwise
+mv /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf.20191021
+# uncomment and enable, set 'true'
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/api.conf
+  ticket_salt = TicketSalt
+# enable features
+icinga2 feature enable command
+icinga2 feature enable perfdata
+# notifications
+yum install postfix
+systemctl enable postfix && systemctl start postfix && systemctl status postfix
+icinga2 feature enable notification && systemctl restart icinga2
+# selinux
+semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_notification_plugin_exec_t "/data/home/icinga/checks/local(/.*)?"
+restorecon -R /data/home/icinga/checks/local/
+# module:  reporting
+cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
+install -d -m 0755 "${ICINGAWEB_MODULEPATH}/reporting"
+mysql -u root -p
+# create template table first, otherwise 1005 error, cause key does not exist
+mysql -p -u root reporting < schema/mysql.sql
+Configuration -> Application -> Resources menu > create new resouce. icingaweb_reporting_db, reporting, reporting, utf8mb4.
+Configuration -> Modules -> reporting -> Backend, icingaweb_reporting_db
+cp /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/reporting/config/systemd/icinga-reporting.service /etc/systemd/system/icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl enable icinga-reporting.service
+systemctl start icinga-reporting.service
+(pdfexport requires
+# script installation
+# check connectivity
+curl -k -s -m 2 https://(host):5665/ >/dev/null && echo "5665 OK" || echo "5665 NOT OK"
+# (host): add repo to host
+yum repolist
+yum install icinga2 nagios-plugins-all
+# download host/agent/script, execute ./
+icinga2 feature enable command api
+icinga2 feature disable checker
+systemctl enable icinga2 && systemctl restart icinga2
+# console installation from node
+(host):/data/home/(you)# icinga2 node wizard
+Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
+We will guide you through all required configuration details.
+Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: Y
+Starting the Agent/Satellite setup routine...
+Please specify the common name (CN) [(host)]:
+Please specify the parent endpoint(s) (master or satellite) where this node should connect to:
+Master/Satellite Common Name (CN from your master/satellite node): (host)
+Do you want to establish a connection to the parent node from this node? [Y/n]: y
+Please specify the master/satellite connection information:
+Master/Satellite endpoint host (IP address or FQDN): (host)
+Master/Satellite endpoint port [5665]:
+Add more master/satellite endpoints? [y/N]: n
+Parent certificate information:
+ Subject:     CN = (host)
+ Issuer:      CN = Icinga CA
+ Valid From:  Sep 29 11:23:06 2019 GMT
+ Valid Until: Sep 25 11:23:06 2034 GMT
+ Fingerprint: 39 60 1B AE D0 93 1E 36 89 4E 5E 04 E1 C5 80 1B 57 CC 0C D6
+Is this information correct? [y/N]: y
+Please specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master (optional).
+ (Hint: # icinga2 pki ticket --cn '(host)'): 8bc7aa3167870788b8xxx85b8fe1f5310ffbd
+Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
+Bind Host []:
+Bind Port []:
+Accept config from parent node? [y/N]: y
+Accept commands from parent node? [y/N]: y
+Reconfiguring Icinga...
+Disabling feature notification. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
+Enabling feature api. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
+Local zone name [(host)]:
+Parent zone name [master]: (host)
+Default global zones: global-templates director-global
+Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]: n
+Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:
+Disabling the inclusion of the conf.d directory...
+# Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!
+(host):/data/home/(you)# systemctl restart icinga2
+icinga2 feature enable command api
+icinga2 feature disable checker
+systemctl restart icinga2

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Installing Internet Connection monitoring set from source:
+sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
+pip3 install ansible
+ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
+cp example.config.yml config.yml
+cp example.inventory.ini inventory.ini
+edit files
+ansible-playbook main.yml
+sudo shutdown -r now
+ansible-playbook main.yml
+sudo netstat -ntap | grep 3030
+open (host):3030