@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# 2023-10-17 * initial run /A
+# 2024-03-06 + cloned for Debian on nginx deployment /A
+ + SSL cert generation /A
+Create Debian x86_64 architecture VM instance (aarch64 has icingaweb2.9.5, which is NOT supporting php v8.1).
+uname -a
+Do not deploy Icinga onto arm64, second trial. Not supported, yet.
+! Below assuming all commands are executed in the priveledged mode
+Check that OS see Icinga's packages
+apt list *icinga*
+Sync time for initially booted system and update/upgrade it.
+hwclock --hctosys
+apt update && apt upgrade
+shutdown -r now
+Install utilities (optional)
+apt install tmux net-tools traceroute tcpdump
+Install and secure MariaDB instance (write down root password)
+In my case, this instance I deploy onto "GCP Cloud SQL", that is why I am missing this part.
+Same checks apply, ensure DB connectivity from local machine to DB server.
+apt install mariadb-server
+netstat -ntap | grep 3306
+tcp 0 0* LISTEN 18957/mariadbd
+Add Icinga repository:
+cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bookworm-icinga.list
+deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-bookworm main
+deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-bookworm main
+Installing Icinga, IcingaWeb and IcingaWeb Director
+Positive remark, that a lot of modules has been packaged and are easily downloadable from major repos -
+- there is no need to bring them separately and configure. :) good.
+We are installing to utilize nginx as a webserver, but common installation will deploy everything onto Apache.
+No issues with it, let's install and reconfigure it later. Doing so will apply all post-install automatic configuration.
+Order matters.
+apt install \
+ icinga2 \
+ icinga2-ido-mysql \
+ icingaweb2
+#? icingacli \
+#? icingaweb2-common \
+#? icingaweb2-common \
+#? icingaweb2-module-director \
+#? icingaweb2-module-idoreports \
+#? icingaweb2-module-monitoring \
+#? icingaweb2-module-pdfexport \
+#? icingaweb2-module-reporting \
+#? libapache2-mod-php \
+#? icingaweb2-module-ipl
+apt install \
+ icinga-director \
+ icinga-director-daemon \
+ icinga-director-php \
+ icinga-director-web
+apt install \
+ php-fpm \
+ php-imagick
+#? dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/icinga-php-incubator_0.20.0-1+ubuntu22.04_all.deb
+#? dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/icinga-director-php_1.10.2-1+ubuntu22.04_all.deb
+Questions during install
+Configure database for icinga2-ido-mysql with dbconfig-common? [yes/no] yes
+MySQL application password for icinga2-ido-mysql: (generate and provide pass)
+If hit [Enter] and did not provide pass, it can be found here:
+cat /etc/dbconfig-common/icinga2-ido-mysql.conf | grep -v \#
+Checking services are enabled and running:
+systemctl status mariadb
+systemctl status icinga2
+systemctl status apache2
+Let's disable apache, as we shall not use it
+systemctl disable apache2
+systemctl mask apache2
+Figure out where does php-fpm socket configured
+cat /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/www.conf | grep fpm.sock
+listen = /run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock
+Configure nginx for Icingaweb:
+vi /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mon.2dz.fi.conf
+In order Certbot to work in automatic mode, ensure server block has proper server_name value to match certificate
+server {
+ server_name ici.2dz.fi;
+Check, that webserver is listening:
+sudo ss -ntap | grep -E 'apache|nginx'
+Check, that webserver is accessible and inspect connectivity until you see the desired traffic.
+apt install tcpdump
+tcpdump port 80
+tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log
+... and Icinga is responding
+tail -f /var/log/icinga2/*
+tail -f /var/log/icingaweb2/*
+Enable SSL for webserver (installing CertBot to manage certificates)
+apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
+certbot --nginx -d ici.2dz.fi
+Provide e-mail address for communication and read terms of use, reply 'Y'.
+Cert and key should be located in:
+Successfully received certificate.
+Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/ici.2dz.fi/fullchain.pem
+Key is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/ici.2dz.fi/privkey.pem
+And nginx's config file updated in:
+(listen 443 ssl and redirect sections added)
+vi /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ici.2dz.fi.conf
+Check and reload nginx config
+systemctl reload nginx
+Query status of the timer and test renewal
+systemctl status certbot.timer
+certbot renew --dry-run
+At this point, we know, that Icinga2 local install created local MariaDB database called 'icinga2'
+mysql -u root -p
+MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
+| Database |
+| icinga2 |
+6 rows in set (0.005 sec)
+MariaDB [(none)]> USE icinga2;
+Reading table information for completion of table and column names
+You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
+Database changed
+MariaDB [icinga2]> SHOW TABLES;
+| Tables_in_icinga2 |
+| icinga_acknowledgements |
+| icinga_commands |
+| icinga_commenthistory |
+| icinga_comments |
+Configuration file for DB connection is:
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf
+ * The db_ido_mysql library implements IDO functionality
+ * for MySQL.
+ */
+library "db_ido_mysql"
+object IdoMysqlConnection "ido-mysql" {
+ user = "icinga2",
+ password = "HlrMpaaaaarl",
+ host = "localhost",
+ database = "icinga2"
+In my case, I am connecting Icinga's main DB to GCP Cloud SQL.
+New database need to be created:
+Google Cloud Console, Cloud SQL, Choose instance, Databases, [Create database],
+Database name: ici_2dz_fi-icinga2
+Charset: utf8mb4
+Collation: Default collation
+Database name: ici_2dz_fi-icingaweb2
+Charset: utf8mb4
+Collation: Default collation
+Then we need to create user for it: Users, [Add user account]
+Create user 'icinga2' and generate pass, save it. Limit to specific IP address, if/when known.
+Create user 'icingaweb2' and generate pass, save it. Limit to specific IP address, if/when known.
+Test connection from instance to DB
+mysql -h 172.21.xxx.xxx -u icinga2 -p
+Enter password:
+Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
+Your MySQL connection id is 18412
+Server version: 8.0.31-google (Google)
+Recreate schema in databases
+mysql -h 172.21.xxx.xxx -u root -p (dbname icinga2) < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
+mysql -h 172.21.xxx.xxx -u root -p (dbname icingaweb2) < /usr/share/icingaweb2/schema/mysql.schema.sql
+Grant permissions to users on created database
+mysql -h 172.21.xxx.xxx -u root -p
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ici_2dz_fi-icinga2.* TO 'icinga2'@'%';
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ici_2dz_fi-icingaweb2.* TO 'icingaweb2'@'%';
+SHOW GRANTS FOR icingaweb2;
+Check permissions
+MySQL [(none)]> SHOW GRANTS FOR icinga2;
+| Grants for icinga2@% |
+| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `ici_2dz_fi-icinga2`.* TO `icinga2`@`%` |
+MySQL [(none)]> SHOW GRANTS FOR icingaweb2;
+| Grants for icingaweb2@% |
+| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `ici_2dz_fi-icingaweb2`.* TO `icingaweb2`@`%` |
+Check again from instance:
+mysql -h 172.21.xxx.xxx -u icinga2 -p
+MySQL [(none)]> SHOW GRANTS FOR icinga2;
+| Grants for icinga2@% |
+| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `ici_2dz_fi-icinga2`.* TO `icinga2`@`%` |
+Reconfigure Icinga's DB and
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf
+icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql
+systemctl restart icinga2
+icinga2 feature list
+Create icinga2 setup token
+icingacli setup token create
+The newly generated setup token is: 6cd67209d6e6ff6e
+systemctl restart nginx
+After token is successfully generated, open URL and provide freshly generated token ID.
+Check all modules, [Next]
+Check requirements, install, if any [Refresh], [Next]
+Provide IcingaWeb2 DB credentials. [Validate], [Next]
+Authentication type: Databse [Next]
+## Database Resource
+Now please configure the database resource where to store users and user groups.
+Note that the database itself does not need to exist at this time as it is going
+to be created once the wizard is about to be finished.
+(Translating: this is 'icingaweb2' DB created above.)
+Resource Name: icingaweb_db
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: (host)
+Port: 3306
+Database Name: icingaweb2
+Username: icingaweb2
+Password: (provided)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+Use SSL: [ ]
+[Validate Configuration], [Next]
+## Schema is empty in DB, it need to be created:
+## Database Setup
+It seems that either the database you defined earlier does not yet exist and
+cannot be created using the provided access credentials, the database does not
+have the required schema to be operated by Icinga Web 2 or the provided access
+credentials do not have the sufficient permissions to access the database.
+Please provide appropriate access credentials to solve this.
+# Authentication Backend
+As you've chosen to use a database for authentication all you need to do now
+is defining a name for your first authentication backend.
+Backend Name: icingaweb2
+# Administration
+Now it's time to configure your first administrative account or group for Icinga Web 2.
+Username: admin
+Password *
+Repeat password *
+# Application Configuration
+Now please adjust all application and logging related configuration options to fit your needs.
+Show Stacktraces [x]
+Show Application State Messages [x]
+Enable strict content security policy [ ]
+Logging Type [Syslog]
+Logging Level [Error]
+Application Prefix: icingaweb2
+Facility [user]
+Summary, [Next]
+Welcome to the configuration of the monitoring module for Icinga Web 2! , [Next]
+Create API user in order for IcingaWeb2 to command or control Icinga2 (process), add lines
+vi /etc/icinga2/features-available/api.conf
+object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
+ password = "newpass"
+ // permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
+ permissions = [ "*" ]
+Configure icinga to enable API
+icinga2 api setup
+systemctl restart icinga2
+Check that Icinga2 is now listening for API queries
+ss -ntap | grep 5665
+LISTEN 0 4096 *:5665 *:* users:(("icinga2",pid=21383,fd=18))
+# Configure Monitoring IDO Resource (created during apt install icinga2-ido-mysql):
+Resource Name: icinga_ido
+DB Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+DB Name: icinga2
+Username: icinga2
+Password: (provided)
+Character Set: utf8mb4
+[Validate], [Next]
+Monitoring Security, [Next]
+Summary, [Finish]
+In case of admin user is not created in DB:
+mysql -h 172.21.xxx.xxx -u root -p
+Use query below to change admin's password. After login and change pass:
+l: admin p: admin
+USE icingaweb2;
+INSERT INTO `icingaweb_user` VALUES ('admin',1,'$2y$10$8kWWNgcSkZb7rmemZFNusOryxvriUBXFlo/R3Z8fWwVqOQpTDS9n6','2023-10-25 19:07:36','2024-03-07 06:17:56');
+SELECT * FROM icingaweb_user;
+# configure IcingaWeb2 Director
+Check and create system user for icinga director (to run systemctl icinga-director service (daemon))
+cat /etc/passwd | grep icinga
+useradd -r -g icingaweb2 -d /var/lib/icingadirector -s /bin/false icingadirector
+# create database for director
+mysql -u root -p
+# add resource (specify character set is lowercase 'utf8', utf8mb4 will not work:
+CREATE DATABASE ici_2dz_fi_director CHARACTER SET utf8;
+CREATE USER 'icingaweb2director'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '(superpass)';
+GRANT ALL ON ici_2dz_fi_director.* TO 'icingaweb2director'@'%';
+Icingaweb2, Configuration, Application, Resources, [Create New Resource]
+Resource Type: SQL Database
+Resource Name: ici_2dz_fi-director
+Database Type: MySQL
+Host: localhost
+Database name: ici_2dz_fi-director
+Username: icingaweb2director
+Password: (superpass)
+Character set: utf8
+[validate configuration]
+ The configuration has been successfully validated.
+ Validation Log
+ Connection to director as director on localhost: successful
+ have_ssl: DISABLED
+ protocol_version: 10
+ version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
+ version_compile_os: Linux
+[save changes]
+# configure icinga director
+icingaweb2, Configuration, Modules, director, Configuration
+DB resource: director_db
+[create database schema]
+Icinga Director,
+DB Source: [icingaweb2_db], [Create schema]